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Author: TimberWolf
Written: ??-??-??
Rating: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Plot: Just a little ficlet on the definition of treasure.
Written as a reply for one of Peja’s 15 minute challenges, so done fast and not beta’d. Take it for what it’s worth.


What do you think you’re doing? He’ll be gone like the breeze that flows through the trees, Miguel’s inner voice berated him, even as he slid closer to Tulio, hoping the natural rippling of the hot spring would disguise the small movement.

Tulio’s eyes were on Altivo, and as long as his attention stayed focussed on the big warhorse, Miguel felt free to indulge his need to stare, to take in and memorise this moment.

Steam rose in a fluid mist off the water’s surface, giving the entire scene a surreal, dream-like quality that only added to the blonde man’s musings.

Tulio’s hair hung down his back in dark wet curls that clung to his damp skin. Miguel’s fingers itched to reach out and touch each one, to caress the smooth skin beneath them.

What would that flesh feel like beneath his roving hands? How would Tulio react if Miguel slid close, pulled Tulio into his arms? Would he moan? Meet Miguel’s lips in a breath-stealing kiss?

And if Miguel reached around to wrap his fist around Tulio’s beautiful cock and began to pump it with long, strong strokes, would Tulio lay back with a groan, spreading his legs to allow Miguel easier access?

If Miguel breathed “Come for me, Tulio” into his ear, would Tulio arch with a shuddering cry, bucking into Miguel’s fist as his climax floated in creamy white ropes until it melted into the hot spring? Would he come with Miguel’s name on his lips?



Tulio shook the blonde out of his reverie. “You were daydreaming again. Bet I know what about, too.”

Miguel swallowed, Tulio’s handprint still tingling on his bare shoulder. “What?”

“Gold,” Tulio went on, oblivious, “the treasure of El Dorado, riches beyond anything a man could wish for, ours for the taking.”

Miguel only smiled. His adventures with Tulio had never been about gold. Not for him. His treasure, his wish, was not anything that material. And while the occasional slap on the back, or friendly hug were not the extent of the treasure he wished for, they would be enough to keep him at Tulio’s side.

And if he wished that Tulio meant something more, when he called Miguel ‘partner’, well, Tulio did not need to know that.

He met Tulio’s laughing eyes with a forced smile of his own. “You know me so well.”

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