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The Montreal Tribune Informative, Innovative & Truthful


Are you in the Fashion industry?

Hello World-wide manufacturers and suppliers!

We are now accepting interested parties to be listed in the Tribune’s International Garment and Textile Suppliers' List. Click here to send your request

So many restrictions has been amended on imports...sell your products and services directly to Canadian Buyers, here’s  our  Previous Issue of Canadian Fashion & Textile Buyers Guide, you can down load it for free but if you want  the NEW and  up-dated version  place your order now at a cost of US$50 per copy payable by money order or through PayPal, also don’t forget to inquire about the Industry Textile Book known as The Shmata Business, used world-wide as reference information on textile by manufacturers, designers, teachers and students, price US$50 per copy. Click here to send your order

Foreign Companies From Time To Time are sending requests  to provide them with Canadian sales people for representation in Canada, all inquiries are welcome and there is  No Service Fee To Pay, All Entries Are Treated Confidential, And Will never Be Used For Any Other Purposes Whatsoever.  For further inquiry on how to get listed in the sales team Contact The Executive Busters

Garment Buyers' Guide Directory - "O" Listing


Feedback and comments: Editor of the Montreal Tribune

Legends & Codes:
* ? Listed under another name
** ? Converters ? Textile Wholesalers
*** ? Reported closed, please check

O.C.I.F. Marc D'Alcy
2070 Drummond Street
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1W9
Tel (514) 288-1112, Fax 288-0249
Attn: Mr. Marc Medalsy

O'Meara Fashion Ltd.
400-1122 Mainland St.
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5L1
Tel (604) 669-8348, Fax 669-8065
Attn: Ms Judy Vail

Oak Sportswear
500 Dennison Street
Markham, Ontario L3R 1B9
Tel (905) 479-9505, 479-9507
Attn: Mr. Aziz Andani

Obsessions by Mr. Suli
460 Richmond St.West
Toronto, Ontario M5V 1Y1
Tel (416) 362-9600, Fax 362-9622
Attn: Mr. Charles Goodman

Ocean Canada Clothing
183 Boisvert Street
St. Ludger Beauce, Quebec G0M 1W0
Tel (819) 548-5391, Fax 548-5453

Ocean West
55 Water St., Suite 200
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1A1
Tel (604) 688-2461, Fax 688-9022
Attn: Ms Margaret Kaiman

Octopus Distribution (Ladies Lingerie)
4126 St. Denis Street., Suite 301
Montreal, Quebec H2W 2M5
Tel (514) 798-4554, Fax 849-7384
Attn: David Elbaz, President, e-mail:

Odette Hamel
260 Grande Cote
Rosemere, Quebec J7A 1J3
Tel (514) 433-2032, Fax 433-2302
Attn: Ms Odette Hamel

Odyssey knits Inc. 9820 Jeanne Mance
Montreal, Quebec 3B4 H3L 3B4
Tel (514) 514-788-5554
Attn: Robert Hodhod

Oggi Inc.
9320 St. Lawrence Blvd., Suite 800
Montreal, Quebec H2N 1N7
Tel (514) 382-5710, 1-800-363-7993, Fax 382-2227
Attn: Mr. Kenneth Goldberg

Olga Lingerie
90 Beaubien St.W, Suite #304
Montreal, Quebec H2S 1V6
Tel (514) 274-6561, Fax 279-8097
Attn: K. Dimitris

Olsen European Fashions
530 Adelaide St.W, 2nd Flr,
Toronto, Ontario M5V 1T5
Tel (416) 363-1919, 1-800-268-1919, Fax 363-4647
Attn: Alsen

On the Rocks Accessories
18 Coxwell Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario M4C 3G7
Tel (416) 421-2712

13859 Canada Inc.
166 Elm Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6N5
Tel (613) 236-4110
Attn: Ms Sharon Collins

158834 Canada Inc.
5850 Thimens Blvd.
Ville St-Laurent, Quebec H4S 1S5
Tel (514) 333-5270, Fax 332-0248
Attn: Mr. William Feldzamen

Only Accessories
555 Richmond St. West, Suite #205
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3B1
Tel (416) 862-7070, Fax 862-2692
Attn: Wendy Collier

Ontario Hosiery Mfg.
120 Silverstar Blvd.
Scarborough, Ontario M1V 4V8
Tel (416) 297-1178, Fax 321-8978
Attn: Kris Murthy

Opera Belt & Leather Co.
908 Magnetic Drive
Downsview, Ontario M3J 2C4
Tel (416) 739-1900, Fax 736-0978
Attn: Ms Karen Brown

Orly Pret A Porter
433 Chabanel W, Suite #1002
Montreal, Quebec H2N 2J8
Tel (514) 383-5518, Fax 383-5529
Attn: Mr. Gabriel Lasry

Oscar Leopold
555 Chabanel W, Suite #1101
Montreal, Quebec H2N 2H8
Tel (514) 388-0502, Fax 388-9589
Attn: Mr. Arsen Svadzian

Oscardo Inc.
2700 Dufferin Street, Suite 90
Toronto, Ontario M6B 3R1
Tel (416) 785-8618
Attn: Mr. Eduardo Lulka

Ostroff (A)
6666 St. Urbain Street
Montreal, Quebec H3S 2H1
Tel (514) 279-8591, Fax 279-5093
Attn: Mr. Neil Ostroff

Outdoor Outfits
372 Richmond St. W
Toronto, Ontario M5V 1X6
Tel (416) 598-4111, Fax 598-4626
Attn: Mr. S. Switzer

Outerprofile Clothing
1615 Louvain W, Suite #201
Montreal, Quebec H4N 1G6
Tel (514) 385-9147, Fax 385-5764

Oxxford-Otl Industries Inc.
971 St-Timothee
Montreal, Quebec H2L 3N2
Tel (514) 849-5341, Fax 849-0280
Attn: Mr. Richard Abrahamson

***Oxygene (closed)
555 Chabanel W, Suite #708
Montreal, Quebec H9A 3A3
Tel (514) 385-9884, Fax 385-9488
Attn: Mr. Jacques Benhaime/Claude Benoualif

555 Richmond St.W, Suite #1004
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3B1
Tel (416) 363-8272, Fax 363-8120
Attn: Ms Helene Zelovitzky



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