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Version 9 - est: 2003 - Best viewed : 1920x1080 resolution - colour 32BPP 


Note: that this list is a work in progress and more will be added to it in the future, and remember: even if you don't have anything on my want list doesn't mean I won't want to trade with you. Send your list along to me anyway, and I'll check it over to see if there's anything I'd like (9/10 times I'll find plenty of stuff I want).

New Titles Highlighted in orange.

*DVDrip copies are accepted on selected titles



  • Anything not mentioned
  • Jackie Chan NG Taiwan videos
  • Jackie Chan My Story (US English version not the International English version)
    • US version has a different narrator
    • There is more footage of Jackie’s music career including clips from a music video
    • The biggest difference though is the inclusion of footage from Drunken Master II, one of the films that Media Asia and Golden Harvest disputed over. The International version omits all the DM2 footage but includes a segment from Jackie’s guest appearance on the Martin Lawrence Show.

JACKIE CHAN Blu-Ray/Laserdisc/DVD Extras

  • Anything not mentioned


  • Mad Monkey Kung Fu (Liu Chia Liang. "Made In Hong Kong (MIHK)", UK print only.)
  • Stop! Kung Fu (BBC. Complete Series)
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All Characters names and images are copyright and trademark of their respective companies and are used for entertainment and historical purposes only. This webpage is created, Graphics designed and maintained by MuppetDanny
This trading page is
NOT an Official site and is non-profit making. All Titles are assumed to Be Public Domain and will be removed upon request traded on a collector to collector basis with no rights known implied or given.