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Permit & User Information

Recreation permits for use on the beautiful Rocky Boy Reservation are sold at the Natural Resources Office located at the Rocky Boy Agency.

The cost of recreation permits is $35.00 per season or $10.00 daily, and must be made available to the Chippewa Cree Fish, Wildlife and Recreation Officers upon request.

These permits entitle you to use the recreation areas on the Rocky Boy Reservation. These permits do not allow you to gather or haul minerals, rock, firewood, or any other natural resource off the Rocky Boy Reservation. This includes chokecherries, June berries, currants, pinch berries, bull berries, or any medicinal plants such as Echinacea (a.k.a. black root), muskrat root sage, or sweetgrass.

ATV's are prohibited in these areas due to the fragile nature of the sil type in the area and the impact on wildlife habitat.

The Beaver Creek Recreation Area has been designated as the area that will be open to non-members use. Tribal members will be given preference as to use of picnic area. In the event that picnic areas are unused, they will be open for general public use. Consideration will be given to individuals who may be married to a tribal member.

The Beaver Creek Recreation Area is from the Bear Paw Ski Bowl to the Spread Wing campground (road to Warwick_ past the East Fork Dam, and to the reservation boundary bordering HIll County Beaver Creek Park. Hill County Beaver Creek Park permits are not valid on Rocky Boy Reservation.

When hiking, please do not litter. Remember: "Pack in! Pack out!"

Fishing permits are sold at the Natural Resources Office, The Pastime at the Rocky Boy Agency, Bing n' Bobs, K-Mart, and Sinclair's in Havre.

Rocky Boy's Annual Pow-wow, one of the largest Indian Celebration in the United States and Canada is usually held the first weekend in August. Over 1,500 dancers and singers from all over the United States and Canada converge on Rocky Boy for this colorful and dynamic event.

Summer time is an active time in the Rocky Boy Community and the Annual Sun Dance is held during this season. This event is restricted, in terms of photography and video tape recordings. However, one is free to watch, learn, be respectful, and be non-disruptive.

Click here to view Season dates.