TMG MOD [coded by Doug "RaVeN" Buckley] for Quake 2 is a mod that gives matchmod like properties to your server plus the option of using one of the best bots ever made.TMG bots are 3ZB2 bots. Randar not so recently pointed out to me that the TMG mod site makes no reference to bots which is true. I only realized there were bots when I read an interview with the creator of the mod.You must open the railwarz.cfg to turn on the bots and select railwarz or deathmatch.

My preconfigured railwarz folder is up for grabs in my downloads section [I included my own readme to "help" you though I think I messed up some of the directions so good luck ;)]. I was trying to figure out how to create bots in the TMG mod with individual names and skills instead of the generic TMGbot1 and TMGbot2. I tried basic commands like bot_skin this and that. Then I thought since TMGbots are based on 3ZB2 why not just try the 3ZB2 bot config itself -Yeah, it worked - out popped Claw Finger to frag my ass. TMG reads the default bot list a little differently and requires an added line with these // otherwise it reads the second bot in the list and not the first. Big deal you say!? Well, I'm a stickler. You must rename 3ZB2.cfg to TMGbot.cfg. That's it!

The original 3ZB2 routes work just rename the .chn part to .nav and put them in nav folder that you will create in your railwarz folder. Yes TMG mod is railwarz but also has regular deathmatch option. Fantastic!

Conclusion: 3ZB2 bots are awesome. TMG bots are basically the same thing! Ha!