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This is an index of the seven major Chakras


Chakras are points of energy in our bodies that help our body, mind, and spirit function at  peak levels, and transmit energy between the psychic, astral, mental, and emotional levels of of our consciousness.
'Chakra'" is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. The word was also a metaphor for the sun (which was like a wheel in the sky) and denotes the great eternal wheel of time, representing celestial order and balance.

Our bodies are integrally linked to our minds, and the chakras correspond with different, specific aspects of how our bodies, minds, and spirits work together to create one living being. To heal is to align the Chakras as they were meant to be.


Located at the base of the spine. This chakra is responsible for our abilities to perceive space and time, and to remain grounded to the Earth. It corresponds with material things, success, patience, and courage. Stones that open this chakra are garnet, ruby, red jasper, and bloodstone- they are held to the chakra to open it.
Color: Red, balanced by black


Located about two inches below the navel. This chakra is responsible for our sexuality, physical vitality, emotions, pleasure, desire, passion, love, change, new ideas, and health. It corresponds with all things forementioned. Stones that open this chakra are carnelian and coral.
Color: Orange, balanced by brown


Located just below the chest. This chakra represents ability to pick up vibrations and tune in to energy from other people, places, and things. It corresponds with self-control, control of desire, authority, transformation, happiness, and energy. Stones that open this chakra are amber and citrine.
Color: Yellow, balanced by green


Located over the heart. This chakra represents empathy and our ability to ground energy that flows through our bodies. It corresponds with feelings, forgiveness, unconditional love, understanding, compassion, trust, and openness. Stones that open this chakra are jade and aventurine.
Color: Green, balanced by pink


Located at the front of the throat. This chakra represents the human race, and represents our abilities to hear beyond the normal hearing range. It corresponds with speech, communication with others, self-expression, truth, wisdom, knowledge, honesty. Stones that open this chakra are lapis.
Color: Blue, balanced by blue/green


Located on forehead between the eyebrows. This chakra represents psychic ability, is the seat of the celestial body, clairvoyance and the ability to see beyond time, mental ability, spirit guides, intuition, concentration, enlightenment. It is represented by all spirits- dead and living. It corresponds with all things forementioned. Stones that open this chakra are blue sodalite and some lapis.
Colors: Indigo, balanced by white


Located at the top of the head. This chakra represents our connection to the God and Goddess, our higher selves. It corresponds with personalities, spirituality, inspiration, unity, divine understanding and wisdom, and infinity. Stones that open this chakra are amethyst.
Colors: Purple, balanced by clear or crystal

Chakras can be visualized by imagining a spinning wheel of light or fire. When opening a chakra, you can place a corresponding stone on the location of the chakra, and visualize your wheel of light as being the corresponding color. You don't have to work with stones in order to work with chakras. Then meditate and visualize your chakra, focusing on opening it, and then allowing yourself to meditate on what you want to achieve.  For example, if you want to heighten clairvoyance, or meet a spirit guide, you can meditate on your third eye chakra.

There are many chakras, but these are the principle 7, and they are the most important.