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14th of October in 2001

Last weekend we had FAIR!!!


That's a fete in our country, but it's not in every village on the same day..

It's like Thanksgiving in the USA...

And then we have always many fun!! And we have party the whole day till the night....

Oh yes, I had a show with our school-band!!!


Here some pictures:

That's a friend and me on our show...

And that's Lolo, Marc, me and Nathalie...

We sang a lot of songs: for example "This land is your land", "Alperose" (a song in swiss-german), "Take me home, country roads", "Heaven" (from a swiss-rock-band) and "Hound dog"!! And the best: "IMAGINE" from John Lennon...

We sang it for all the people in the world especially for the people in America who died about this terrorist act!!!



Lyrics from "Imagine"

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