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WebQuest Evaluation Rubric


Evaluation Rubric

Student: __________

Beginning to meet the requirements   (1 - 3)

Generally, meeting the requirements
(4 - 6)
Exceeding the requirements 
(7 - 10)
Mission Patch -little relation to planet
-lacks neatness
-design relates to planet
-reflects extra research on planet
-extra neat
Data Collection (three sheets) -few notes
-most data is written as one or two words
-some data under incorrect headings
-sufficient notes
-data includes explanation and fills up spaces for information
-most data under correct headings
-numerous notes
-data includes detailed explanation and carries over to backs of pages
-all data under correct headings
Draft Post Card -uses some writing conventions (capitals, punctuation, spelling, paragraphs)
-data notes seldom used to write draft paragraphs
-reasons in paragraph three are invented (made up) 
-uses writing conventions (capitals, punctuation, spelling, paragraphs) most of the time
-data notes used especially to write paragraphs one and two
-reasons in paragraph three incomplete 
-correct use of writing conventions (capitals, punctuation, spelling, paragraphs)
-reflects full use of data notes

-reasons in paragraph three are based on good data collected 
Post Card -incomplete (missing paragraph and/or missing data)
-no introduction
-some errors from draft corrected
-postcard received by both Mission Control and family only after several reminders from Mission Control 
-three paragraphs with all necessary information from data collection
-neat with most errors from draft corrected
-postcard received by both Mission Control and family with no more than one reminder from Mission Control  
-three paragraphs containing all necessary plus extra information from data collection
-neat with all errors from draft corrected
-postcard received by both Mission Control and family (without reminders) 
Oral Presentation -good use of voice
-not fluent
-has no eye contact with audience
-shows little organization
-data chart messy and incomplete
-good use of voice
-good fluency
-attempts eye contact with audience
-shows practice & organization
-data chart messy or incomplete
-good use of voice
-good expression & fluency
-good eye contact with audience
-rehearsed & very well organized
-data chart neat and complete
Getting the Facts -inattentive and/or talkative during presentations
-data chart incomplete
-respectful during presentations
-contributes distracting facts or questions during presentation
-asks students to repeat information to put into data chart
-respectful during presentations
-contributes a useful fact or question during presentation
-fills out data chart completely by listening carefully 
Total . . . __/100


COMMENTS: ______________________________________________________________________





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