Name: Cody Joe Bottoms

Favorite horror movie: Night Of The Living Dead, Dawn Of The Dead, Halloween, Evil Dead 2, Return Of The Living Dead 1 and 3, Dead Alive, Cutting Class with brad pitt. You really need to see “Cutting class” its one of the dumbest movies of all time but its also one of the funniest.

Alias: CODE-E Code Joe or Lerry King.

Affiliation with 7SD: Singer/Programmer/Writer/Web page designer.

Describes yourself in 1 word: Sensitive.

Favorite band: Nine Inch Nails/Deftones/Bjork/Fear Factory/Tori Amos well she’s not really a band but I love her anyway.

Favorite 7SD song: Believe, there is more feeling in that song then in any other song that we do.

Benefits you bring to the band: I write lyrics, I program all the drum beats and synth stuff, I do the web site, and I boss everybody around “Just Kidding”.

Zodiac sign: Cancer the crab.

Idol in music: Trent Reznor, Tori Amos, Bjork, and anyone in Fear Factory, and Butch Vig.

Status with the lady folk: Well right now I'm doing great. I'm going out with a very wonderful beautiful girl named "Ash" she is damn cool.

Fears: Not getting love, Falling out of a really tall window and then falling in to a big ass pot that will soon cook me. And Centipedes, I hate those damn things! it's not that im afrade of them it's more like i hate them and want them to die, "all of them."

Likes: My So Called Life, Movies, Girls that can mosh, And open minded people.

Personal quote: Karma’s a bitch.

Anything else: I love Halloween, and it’s not just the candy, it’s the way it smells. It’s how it’s always windy and how you know that you’re going to have fun that day.