Name: Michael "Mikey" Owen
5'8 blonde hair green eyes, chubby little bassist
Favorite horror movie: “The Good Son” it scared the be-Jesus out of me, so did “Pet cemetery”
Alias: The sexiest bass player alive.
Affiliation with 7SD: Bass, Shameless promotion, Phat rhymes, Back up vocals.
Describes yourself in 1 word: Emo.
Favorite band: Weezer.
Favorite 7SD song: Butterfly, The chorus rocks.
Benefits you bring to the band: A feel of funky goodness behind my bass styles.
Zodiac sign: Capricorn the goat/fish hybrid.
Bass idol: Alex from “Incubus”.
Status with the lady folk: spoken for, sorry, I know I’m sexy.
Fears: Any fat Mexican metal bassists/guitarists, brujeria, manipulative girls.
Likes: Bird watching, crying like a little girl, Hard-core death rock basses tuned down to ungodly notes, DROP C FOREVER!
Personal quote: Emo loves me because no one else does, TECHNEMOCORE FOREVER! HOI HOI INDUSTRIAL
People you love: Josie, Emma, all the fans, the band, and all the other bands we play with except project cause they sucked, and last but not least, all the fans mothers that I’ve slept with or will sleep with