What Happened To You?!?
These are pics that had me rollin on the floor,laughing really hard,tears coming from my eyes and stomach hurting!!!
some of these are my pics and some arn't, If they're from me, then go ahead and take them, i don't care! If they're not, then please ask for permission from the owner, thanks!
Echo comments
Debbie comments
NOTE:These next pics were given to me by Kahyen.Go visit her website Backstreet Paradise!!She's a bananawana cool chickie!!!Thanks soooo much girl!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....AJ's................. hat.....HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!*Passes out on floor and knocks her head on the coffie table*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!This picture is really ugly.
I'm sorry but they all look so
retarded. It's picture like
this that make me wonder how they ever made it looking like that.
Hmmmmmm,the word monkey comes to mind.
No comment.
HAHA,look at Nick,looks like he's in pain!Nick:I'm alright,I'm alright,I can do this,I can do this...how much you want to bet that Howie was thinkin,'Hey this isn't hard at all',then AJ all of the suddens falls on top of him.Kevin thinkin he's macho man!!Kevin: yeah...........I'm.....holding.........both....of......them.......YEAH!!
Umm... I'm going to say
this even though it could hurt
someone's feelings. Howie's head looks flat in this picture.. sorry but
i had to say it.
OK,now these are N Sync pics,but they are sooooooo funny,I had to put them up on here,trust me, you'll be gasping for air!!!!Once again, they were given to me by Kahyen,thanks sooooo much girl!!!
HAHAHAHAHA.........*PASSES OUT ON FLOOR*.........................*GETS UP,BUT SEE'S THE PICS AGAIN*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA*falls out of chair and hits her head on the tv*...............ha...ha...ha........that's so scary,but at the same time,IT'S FUNNY!!hey doen't Just look like a bug that got smushed on a car window!!
STUPID!!! And they dare to
wonder why they don't
have as many fans. HA!
um.....................why is Nick's hand on AJ's belt?????? Is AJ screaming for help or cause he likes it???? Sure looks like Nickay likes it!!!Nick:Am I sexual,or am I sexual! AJ:BUT NICK,BRIAN IS WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SEE LOOK OVER THERE!!!!!!
All I wanna know is, NIck,
has it been so long since youv'e had
a woman that you want AJ? That's too bad.
Got this from AJ McLean Homepage,I like it,good website.So,go check it out,even if you're not an AJ lover
Nick looks like a dork.Nick:uh uh uh uh,you got a dead animal on your head,hehehe! What IS that thing on AJ's head,OMG!! now he's killing those dogs with spots!!!!Shame on ya AJ!Your love for animal print hats has gone too far!!!! HAHA,Nick's making fun of him!! You can see his tattoo really well. How much you want to bet AJ had something to do with it?????
AJ: Nick,I dare ya a** to get a tattoo!!!!
Nick: but won't it huuuuuurt?!?!
AJ: um..........................no.
Nick: I don't want toooooooo!!!!!!
Nick: but I'm not.
AJ: As long as I say you are,they'll think you are!!NOW GO GET THAT F**KING TATTOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nick: fiii-ine............*stumps his feet*................................punk.
AJ: what was that?!?! Now you have to get two tattoos!!!
Now that's
just scary. It's official i'm never sleeping again.
this was given to me by Kahyen
Nick: Brian,I went to a humor site and they called me dumb....and and fat....and and
Brian:*crying*that's nice.....but....um....DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GET OFF MY FOOT!?!?!?
Aww, that's kinda cute.
I stole these,sorry:0(
HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA....LOOK....AT......LANCE'S...EYES!!!!Look like they're about to pop out and why is Justin picking his nose!...........HAHAHAAAA....god,look at his eyes,like in cartoons...HAHAHAAA*snort*...does Justin even know about Lance eye's popping out....HAHA...watch if Lance sings a high note, his eyes are goin to pop out!!!!!
Whoa ugly!!!!
HAHAHAHAAA....it's Nick's mini me!!!.....He's still taller than Brian..HAHA!!!
Now that's just plain
scary. Nick may be fine but I think he
needs help.
Nick looks like a turtle..........just look at his face......
For a minute I thought this
was Lance of NSYNC.
Let's just hope BSB haters don't find this pic....GOD,GUYS,DON'T HIDE YOUR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER!! You know what,if you go to a concert,make this pic really big,paste it on a poster board and when nick's say's Am I sexual,show the sign and say I GUESS SOOO!!!
how much you want to bet that's what howie looks like in the morning.....it's probably worst now!! That face would definitely wake me up in the morning!!!!
Howie, Howie, Howie. I know
your'e my man and all, but I don't
think I can claim you anymore.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOOK AT HOWIE......HE'S JUST LIKE,"HI, I'M HOWIE D*WINK*AND THIS IS HOWIE DO IT!!!!!!"HAHAHAHAAA.......HA.,..HA..HA. WHAT IS BRIAN SOO HAPPY ABOUT.......THAT'S THE SECOND PIC I'VE SEEN HIM SOOO HAPPY,hmmmmmmmm????HAHAHAHAHAA...I'M STILL LAUGHIN AT HOWIE!!!!!!! *wipe tears from eyes*It doesn't even look like he belongs there,he looks like somebody that was passing by and got stuck in the picture..HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA....
They all look so scared.
They must be looking at old pictures of
just look at the pic!!....HAHAHAA...I'M STILL LAUGHIN AT THE PIC ABOVE!!!
Brian, two words, seek
HAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAA.......Howie thinkin he Fabio!! ....I'm guessin Green was the color of the day,Brian lost his brush and Howie had to borrow his sister shirt.HEY!!!why is Brian grabbing AJ!!FIRST IT'S NICK.NOW IT'S BRIAN,WHY CAN'T I GRAB AJ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
the more I look at these
the less I love Howie. Just kidding.
I'm not that crazy.
I guess JC was trying out for the part of Dudley Do Right!
Now that's a damn shame.
updated 1/3/00
These pictures are tooo funny, I can't breathe, I need to go back home!
A message from Justin: Yo, if ya be havin some wack pics yo, den yo a** betta send dem to Debbie, yo or i'll have to gat buck while on ya a**es!