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Gentlemen Need Not Apply

To follow this dream, you need a few side
  • Charitie's birthday is Sept. 10
  • We adore watching Boy George
  • I write these God-awful poem/song things

Now, enjoy!

It was Charitie's birthday, and she was going to be coming into town later, because she had to finish up her classes at LSU before she was able to come home. While I waited on her, I went to the mall, browsing through Camelot's collection of CD's. I was just about to walk out, when one of the employees came out with a huge box. Curious, I stopped to watch as he unloaded Placebo CD's. My jaw hit the floor. I had heard that their third CD was to come out in September, but it was fantastic luck that it came out on Chair's birthday. I decided I was going to buy it for her, even though I had already purchased her gift.
The cover of the CD was incredible. I mean, it kicked royal Soho ass. I flipped the CD over to see what songs they had, and when I got down to number 7, my heart started beating faster. The title of it was "Social Convention". I laughed slightly hysterically to myself, saying it was just a coincidence that one of Placebo's songs had the same title as one of MY poem/songs. Continuing down the play list, I screamed when I saw number 13. "Gentlemen Need Not Apply." I admit, in my incredible composure, I went slightly crazy. I mean, my god, anyone would. Placebo had recorded two of my poem/songs. Now how they got them in the first place is still a question, but the important thing is, they got them.
Well, I got 3 copies of the CD (one for me to listen to, one for me to put up as a collector's item, and one for Chair) and rushed straight home. I could barely contain my storming emotions. Needless to say, I almost caused a couple of accidents driving home, but I made it. It's not like I could die before I heard Brian's pouting voice sing MY words. I called Chair, but she still wasn't home, and even though I was in dire need of listening to that CD, I decided to wait. I wanted to listen to it with Chair, so I went into the living room to watch some TV, hoping that would calm my nerves. No such luck.
I was idly flipping through the stations when I saw Brian's face grinning at me from the BBC. He was sitting there with Steve, Stefan, Boy George, and David. They were promoting their new album, and they were talking about the 2 tracks that were written by someone else.
BRIAN: "Yeah. It's the first time that we released songs that were actually written by someone else. It's a novel idea, and we're going to take it step at a time, to see how it goes over with the fans."
STEFAN: "It's just to bad that we've got no idea who wrote them."
BOY GEORGE: "The lyrics have got a great sense of tragic betrayal. The bloke that wrote them must have an interesting mind and outlook on life."
STEVE: "Yeah. And the songs have give off this great rhythm and pulsing. I didn't do any messing. I let the lyrics write the music. I've very rarely seen anything do that."
DAVID: "It would be incredible to meet the man that wrote those pieces. And that's why all of us are here, to search for the man that wrote the 2 new singles for Placebo."
I started yelling at the TV. "No! I'm a girl! It's me! I wrote them!!"

And if it doesn't beat it all to Valhalla, I woke up before I could see if they did meet me!!