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CONVENTION 2000 - page three

During the afternoon, contestants were bombarded with trivia questions. Faster than you could hear the questions asked, answers were flying out from the left, right and everywhere. The constant intensity of Valli/Seasons knowledge and wit was overwhelming for the average genius.

SJ Dibai, Len Floria, Kay Poliska and Roger Haney keep firing off the right answers.


Evan Edwards, Barry Rogan, __Rogan, Adam Zangrilli and Joe Zangrilli are not cheating but they're thinking about it... Just kidding guys.


Tina Riddell knows the answer to this question. Who are Jason, Allan and Gloria Minkowski?


John Penigree knew every answer and even Eva Garrity knew more answers than Dennis.


Jim Simmons with his daughter and wife. Phillip Meyer is piling up the prizes.


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