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the new CD

The release date for our band's new CD was Canada Day, July 01, 2000. The album is simply titled after the group, Another 1000 Miles. It contains 17 songs and was recorded in digital 16 track. The track listing is given below, and you can view the lyrics now through the link to the lyric book at the bottom of the website main page. You may place an order by emailing us through the link at the very bottom of this page, although if you are not someone we usually get around to seeing personally, shipping will happen when we get the cost of the disc from you in the mail.

The CDs are $20 dollars Canadian funds, including shipping by post in Canada. The price for our American friends is either 20 dollars Canadian, if it's not a hassle for you to get, or 14 dollars American. That also includes shipping to the continental U.S. by regular mail, which, I'm told, takes about 7 business days. I am in the process of finding out what it will cost for our U.K. friends who've ordered. The album comes with vivid full colour artwork, and a full illustrated lyric booklet is posted on this website, along with supplemental stuff about the disc, such as the pictures from the sessions.

Any payment for CDs should be mailed to:
Another 1000 Miles
c/o Colin Halyk
621 William St. Apt. 1
Cambridge ON
N3H 3W6

***************************PLEASE NOTE***************************
I'm afraid we must now ask that people ordering from the U.S. or overseas please send Money Orders instead of personal cheques. This is because I've discovered that Canadian banks put a punative 30 DAY hold on personal cheques from the US and sometimes even longer from overseas. Since we manufacture and ship our own discs on an ongoing basis with the money we recieve, this is kind of hard to deal with. If you have already ordered a disc by email before November 27th, 2000 and have already mailed a cheque, no worries, we will fill your orders as we get your mail anyway. Sorry to have to ask for this, but I'm still learning the ins and outs of international commerce and transport..

******As of Nov. 28th. 2000, you may also pay online with a credit card via PAYPAL, a secure web service. However, direct linking from here to pay is not yet available to Canadian PayPal subscribers, so you will need to email us asking to pay by paypal, and we will email you back with the form. Same deal, really, except for some reason, us "international" PayPal subscribers aren't allowed a button link on our websites yet for some reason.******

If sending a money order, just make it out to myself, don't put the band name on the "pay to" line.
That way, I get to keep all the money and ...OW! Mark HIT me!

Seriously - just make them payable to Colin Halyk if you have to order this way.

If ordering by internet and then paying by mail, please include the email address you used somewhere in what you mail so we can tell which orders we're filling, as often the emails contain no actual names

Track Listing

back to the band website mainpage
photos from the sessions for the CD
If you're curious, here's our individual top ten listening lists for while the CD was being made
The online illustrated lyric book
