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How to Find, Sponsor, and Retain Leaders to Grow Your Network Marketing Business
Part III - Retaining Leaders
By Stephan Iscoe

Now you're ready to concentrate on retaining the leaders in your organization.

And this is so simple you'll wonder why attrition is a problem. There are three key ingredients necessary for keeping the best people in business with you.

The first is something we all do and that is to make sure every new distributor gets a check in their first thirty days of activity. Make sure they are working with your duplicable systems and concentrating on the single daily activity that will earn them the most. Make certain they have all the back-office tools, training and marketing material they need to get started day one. That first check is great to reinforce belief and build their personal story of how great the business is.

The second key is to maintain regular weekly contact. This can be done via phone, fax, email, newsletters, post cards, even a private internet message board or online chat. Your distributors should get something of value from you every week - a training schedule, sponsoring tip, article reprint or newspaper clipping. All of this is addition to the 1-on-2's, 3-ways, and conference recruiting calls. Remember to send birthday, anniversary and holiday greetings.

The third secret of the professionals is to provide attention, recognition, and public praise. Honor your Upline mentors and edify your Successline distributors. Use your newsletters, conference calls and company events to congratulate and thank your leaders. Let them know specifically what you appreciate most about their contributions. Celebrate every achievement. Reward your leaders and let them know they are special. That wraps up this session.

We've covered the basic steps of Finding, Sponsoring and Retaining Leaders that will help you build a profitable and sustainable business in Network Marketing.

See the following resource box for pointers to expert advice and useful tools.

Don't forget to read Part I - Finding Leaders and Part II- Sponsoring Leaders.

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Stephan Iscoe publishes the MLM Profit Letter, an online Newsletter featuring tips, strategies, and secrets that will skyrocket your MLM Profits! Get 12 Free Issues at, A Practical Resource for Networking Marketing This article copyright 1998, Stephan Iscoe, MLMProfit Network. Permission granted to reproduce, copy and distribute this article only in its entirety and including this statement.

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