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Keep 'Em Coming Back!
By Kim Skinner

I have a question for you. Do you know the major reason people venture onto the Internet? The answer? To obtain information.

Information covers a huge spectrum. From stock quotes, to how fast a sneeze leaves your mouth. (600 mph, by the way).

Online surfers want their information fast and FREE. Online marketers who are providing valuable, free, content will keep the people coming back. And keeping them coming back, is the name of the game.

You see, studies show that a prospect will see an advertisement 5-7 times before buying. So, if you give them a reason to keep coming back, you dramatically increase the chances of them actually purchasing your product or service.

"But What Do I Offer To Keep Them Coming Back"?

That depends on what you're selling and who your target market is. For instance, our target market is online marketers, like you! Anyone who is doing business on the Internet, and needs advertising, are potential customers for us. So, we offer free advertising, of course. Free reports, free banner placement, links to free advertising, free newsletter, etc. If you go to our web site, you'll see that roughly 80% of what we offer is free.

If you're target market is, say fishermen, and you offer free advertising, you won't get many repeat visitors. But, if you offer weekly updates on good fishing holes, and offer a "free fishing lure to anyone who fills out our online survey", you'll keep them coming back.

Whatever you're offering, you probably know a lot about it. Write your own articles, and post them on your site. Just write like you were talking to your best friend. It's not really that hard.

Chances are, (about 100% chance), that if you are offering a service or product, someone else is, too. Find these sites, see what they're offering free. You can get a lot of ideas by watching what others are already doing.

Just remember this, and repeat it over and over to yourself:


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Kim Skinner, of K & D Publishing, is the author, and publisher of Success Online Weekly, a free e-mail e-zine developed for the online marketer. To subscribe, send any e-mail to K & D Publishing offers many free online marketing resources. Visit them at

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Updated: July 28, 2000 - Feedback or request to reproduce content: - copyright © 1999-2000 Anthill Internet Reasources - All Rights Reserved

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