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Keep it Simple!
By Karl Moore

Portals appear to be the hot-thing on the Net these days. Every time you start your browser, companies want you to go straight to their site. And they'll do ANYTHING to prove it...

Everyone is getting in on it. Yahoo!, Excite, DejaNews - even Microsoft. Each employ hundreds to maintain their regular news spots, finance information sections and crummy link features.

Yet I take a totally different approach - you don't need money to setup a good website! And that's good, because I don't have much of it. I literally invested a few hundreds bucks to get ( up and running. And within a few weeks, it's become an Internet hit!

It's essentially a start page containing simple 'forms' to the best content on the Net - allowing you to create maps, play music, read the latest news, research other Net users, use the encyclopaedia, find pictures or videos, search for lyrics or download software. And it's all on one singular page.

But, I hear you cry - why has it become so popular? Because it follows Moore's Three-Step-Success Law:

  1. Keep it Simple!

    If a user needs to press a button, tell them to. Not all users are red-hot surfers! Make it easy to understand and don't overcomplicate the simplest of tasks.

  2. Keep it Cool!

    Don't fall behind on the times with that 70's web backdrop. Use something more up-to-date - and keep a consistent theme. If your site uses pastel colors - stick with it throughout the entire site. If it uses primary colors, make sure it dazzles the viewer!

  3. Keep it Personal!

    Whether you're copying someone else's idea or secretly using their graphic (they'll never know!) - it's no good. Do it all yourself - from start to finish. Not only will you feel proud of a true accomplishment, but you'll also know exactly how your site is composed, through and through. Even down to which graphic package you used to create that fancy logo.

And that's it. Using your original idea and Moore's Law - you'll soon be black and blue with hits.

Brought to you by: World Wide Information Outlet -, your source of FREEWare Content online.

KARL MOORE is a technology journalist from the United Kingdom. He writes regular columns for Micro Mart, WinPlanet and InternetDay He also hosts a question/answer slot for BBC Radio


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Updated: July 28, 2000 - Feedback or request to reproduce content: - copyright © 1999-2000 Anthill Internet Reasources - All Rights Reserved

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