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Sweepstakes to Build Your Web Traffic!
By Terry Delosh

What do I need to do you ask to start a sweeptakes promotion?

  • Offer a full description of the product or service you are giving away.
  • Include an email address and contact person if anyone has questions.
  • Give information about the company offering the sweepstakes.
  • Include an offer to contact them later, receive a catalog, free email newsletter, or special discounts.
  • Clear and concise set of rules.

Listing the rules is very important in conducting a sweeptakes. Be sure to include the number of entries allowed, whether it is daily, weekly, monthly, or one time. Don't forget to mention the restrictions or limits such as if open to USA only or International. Give your promotion a name or title. Drawing dates and other relevant information to your particular promotion.

How do I set up an entry method? You can accomplish this in two ways either by email or by using a form. I prefer the form since this way you can ask questions for feedback on your site, whether or not they want to receive more information, free email newsletter, or a free catalog. The use of a well planned form can help you accomplish your marketing tasks.

Be sure to check or local legalities of running a sweeptakes. There are sites on the internet which can answer any questions you may have about sweepstakes promotions and the legalities.

Sweeptakes is a hobby to many people and have long been used for a marketing tool by major corporations and now you can use them also to gain recognition and build your web traffic. This offers you a great way to gain exposure and offer discounts, coupons , discounts, and build a name list. Keep in mind this is just another way to build site traffic and with proper planning and use it will accomplish your goals. Good luck with this great marketing tool.

Brought to you by: World Wide Information Outlet -, your source of FREEWare Content online.

Mr. Delosh publishes "Sweeping the USA" monthly sweepstakes newsletter You can also email him at

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Updated: July 28, 2000 - Feedback or request to reproduce content: - copyright © 1999-2000 Anthill Internet Reasources - All Rights Reserved

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