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Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0:
1.   Under the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
2.   Select the General tab.
3.   In the Home Page Section, enter in the Address field.
4.   Click OK.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0:

1.   Under the View menu, select Internet Options.
2.   Select the General tab.
3.   In the Home Page Section, enter in the Address field.
4.   Click OK.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0:

1.   Under the View menu, select Options.
2.   Select the Navigation tab.
3.   In the Customize Section, select Start Page from the page drop-down menu.
4.   Enter in the Address field.
5.   Click OK.

Netscape Navigator 4.0 and 4.6:

1.   Under the Edit menu, select Preferences.
2.   Select Navigator from the Category list on the left side of the window.
3.   Select Home Page in the Navigator Starts With section.
4.   In the Home Page Section, enter in the Location field.
5.   Click OK.

Netscape Navigator 3.0:

1.   From the Options menu, select General Preferences.
2.   Select the Appearance tab.
3.   In the Startup section, look for the Browser Starts With area and click the Home Page Location button.
4.   Enter in the Home Page Location field.
5.   Click OK.

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Updated: July 27, 2000 - Feedback or request to reproduce content: - copyright © 1999-2000 Anthill Internet Reasources - All Rights Reserved

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