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Chapter 1

"Beeep Beeep". The alarm clock rang and woke Brian up from his sleep. He instantly reached for the clock with his arm, and threw it away. There was a loud thud as the item hit the floor, and the blonde beauty sleeping next to him awoke to the noise.

"Baby?" she said sleepy. "What was that noise?" She rolled over, put her arm around her fiance's body and gently brushed her lips against his cheek.

"Just the alarm clock, hun" he said turning towards her, so their eyes met. He closed his eyes and gave her the most passionate kiss. It lasted for about 30 seconds, then they slowly pulled away. "Unfortunately meaning I have to get up" he said. Brian leaned in and kissed her gently once again, then slowly rose from the bed.

Leighanne stayed in bed. "What time will you be back?", she asked as Brian went into the bathroom.

He peeped from behind the door. "Umm... around 5:30 pm?" he said. "Is that alright? I mean I could try getting home ear..." he tried to say, but Leighanne cut him off.

"No no, Brian listen, it's your job, I don't mind. I'll find a way to entertain myself", she said and smiled towards her fiance.

"You sure?" Brian asked uncertian.

"Positive! Now go take that shower!"

"Yes ma'am" Brian said, and did one of those salutes.

Leighanne could do nothing but giggle. She got out of the bed, put her slippers on and headed downstairs for the kitchen. Once she got there, she started making breakfast for her fiance. She knew he liked having pancakes in the morning more than anything. And of course she wanted to please him. She didn't want anything for herself except a glass of orange juice. She hadn't been feeling too well lately, and had awoken throwing up a couple of days ago. She secretly hoped it was just a bug that eventually would go away. But just to be on the safe side, she had a doctor's appointment around noon.
Leighanne was one of those persons who never liked worrying and bothering people with her own problems, and this was no exception. She hadn't told Brian she had been throwing up or that she felt sick, and he didn't know about the appointment either. She hated hiding things from him, yet she didn't want him to worry about her. He had to concentrate on his work. The managers had already been complaining about Brian thinking far too much on his personal life, and paying far too less attention to the upcoming album.

Leighanne stood above the stove cooking the pancakes as she sensed a cologne, and suddenly she felt warm arms wrapping around her waist from behind. She smiled knowing who it was already.

"Aww, are you making me breakfast sweetie?" Brian said, still with his arms around his precious love.

"Nah, this is for myself, I thought you could go to Mickey D's or something. I'm way too tired to make you breakfast" Leighanne said trying hard not to laugh.

Brian played offended by this statement, and pulled away. He knew Leigh would turn around, and so he put on his best pout-face, and let his head hang down. As Leighanne saw him, she wasn't sure if he was kidding or not.

"Aw baby, of course this breakfast was made for you, and you only" she said, searching for any sign in her man that he was kidding. Brian put on a huge grin on his face.

"Alrighty" he said in his best Jim Carrey impression.

"Sit down" she said. "Breakfast is ready". They both sat down on stools by the kitchen island. When Brian saw her lone glass of orange juice, he frowned.

"Is that all you're having?" he said and nodded towards the glass.

Leighanne looked down. She blushed slightly, trying to figure out what to say. As she tried to avoid him worrying about her, she only said;

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry this morning, that's all. We ate pretty much last night, as I recall, and I don't think I recovered enough yet". She smiled hoping that this had convinced him.

Brian laughed, and was satisfied. Leighanne changed the subject and they continued talking and laughing until it was time for Brian to go.

He embraced her, and the two lovebirds closed their eyes and slowly leaned in and kissed eachother.

"Remember I love you" Brian said, kissing her on the cheek.

"That ain't so hard to forget mister" she said laughing. "I love you too".

"I love you even more" he said smiling. They were still embracing eachother. "And oh, did I tell you I love you?" he said.

"No... I don't think you told me. But I'd love you to tell me" she said chuckling.

Brian kissed her ear, then her neck, then her shoulder and for each peck he whispered "I love you". Brian knew this turned her on, and that was exactly what he wanted. "We'll continue from here tonight" he whispered in her ear.

Leighanne could feel her blushing from head to toe. They pulled away from the hug, and Brian opened the front door and walked out to his BMW and jumped in. He blew her a kiss, she caught it and placed her hand on her heart. He started the engine and soon sped off down the street.


Leighanne locked the door to her and Brian's house, and walked over to her car. It was 11:30 and her appointment was at 11:45. As she started the engine she flipped one of her CD's into the CD player and soon the intro of "Open Arms" was playing. She had borrowed this CD from Nick and it was a damn good one. She sang on the top of her lungs as the song came to the chorus;
So now I come to you
With open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am with open arms
Hoping you'll see
What your love means to me
Open Arms...

She loved this song.

Leighanne soon reached the clinic, and turned the car into the parking lot. She found a space and parked the car. She closed car door with a loud thud, and slowly walked towards the main entrance.


"Yo rok, sup man?" Nick said greeting his best friend in the whole world, who just had come out from the studio, recording his part of the song.

"Hey lil guy! Do you want to join me for lunch?" Brian asked as he approached Nick.

"You know that you can always count on me when there's food, and I'm not lil, got it?" Nick said putting his arms around Brian's neck pretending to wring it. "I'm actually way way taller than you'll ever be" Nick said sticking his tongue out.

"Ok ok, I give up, please Nicky let go of my neck before I'll end up looking like the horseman from Sleepy Hollow" Brian said trying not to laugh.

By the sound of 'Nicky' Nick held tighter to Brian's neck. He hated that name. "What did you say my name was, dude?" Nick asked.

"Nicky?" Brian said. By that Nick held his neck even tighter.

"Ouch Nick, that hurts" Brian said.

"I know, that's the whole point" Nick chuckled.

Brian knew exactly what to do, to make Nick let go of him. The only thing that was Nick's weakness; he was ticklish. So Brian started tickling Nick all over. Of course Nick lost his grip on Brian and soon fell to the floor, cluching his stomach and a fit of laughter soon was heard from the poor blonde young man.

Howie passed by the two guys who were lying on the floor all over eachother. He shook his head slowly.

"Kids, kids calm down" Howie yelled at them. The two guys stopped their actions and looked up on him. They both rose from the floor, and Nick whined;

"He started it" he said pointing to Brian.

"Did not!"

"Did too! By calling me lil, and Nicky".

"Dudes, chill! Gee, act like grown ups for once!" Howie said getting tired of them.

"Yes mother" they both said in unison. Soon they were acting like 'Frick n Frack' again and had totally forgotten about the little "fight".

"Hey D, are coming with us to the dining room? We're starved!" Nick said.

"Gee, didn't you eat an hour ago?" Howie said, looking at his two crazy friends.

"Yeah" Brian said. "But we're still hungry, and besides they have really good donuts there" he said licking his mouth. That convinced Howie.

"Ok, let's go" he said. Before he had turned around, Nick and Brian were already running down the hallway towards the cafeteria. Howie shook his head again. Some people didn't you just understand.


"Ok ms Wallace, are you ready to hear what's wrong with you?" the doctor said (Whose name was Dr. Lawrence).

"Yeah, spill it!" Leighanne said a bit nervous.

"You're not sick as you thought. You are just about 6 weeks pregnant" Dr Lawrence said smiling. "Congratulations!"

Leighanne sat there in disbelief, and was shocked.

"I'm WHAT?" she said, with her moth open.

"In 7 and a half months you're about to give birth to a child, didn't you hear me?" the doctor said chuckling.

Leighanne let the words sink in. "I'm going to be a mommy?" she asked in tears.

"I'm afraid so" Dr Lawrence said. She was used to these sorts of reactions from patients.

Leighanne jumped up in excitment and hugged the doctor.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" she said over and over again. "I have to go home and tell Brian, he's going to be thrilled!"

"You do that, and I'll call you back to discuss further about doing regulary check ups, ok?"

"Ok fine" Leighanne said, smiling. She was so happy. She walked out of the office and back to her car. While driving home, a thought suddenly crossed her mind.

'Brian and I have talked about having kids. But not in a few years' she thought, now a bit scared of what Brian would think. 'What if he's mad at me? Or worse; what if he doesn't want the baby?'. She was about to hit herself for that thought. 'No of course he won't be mad at you, and of course he wants the baby! He loves children'. She decided that she would tell him, as soon as he got home, to get it all over with.


"Honey, I'm home!" Brian exclaimed as he walked inside his large house.

"Hey baby" Leighanne called from the livingroom.

"Did you miss me?" Brian said as he entered the room.

"Of course" she said, turning her head towards him, and smiled.

Brian walked over, and put his arms around her and gave her a kiss. "Good, because I missed you too" he said. He was about to leave some papers in his office, when Leighanne stopped him.

"Baby, come here. I want to tell you something... important" she said with a nervous and worried look on her face. That look alarmed Brian and he instantly grew serious.

"What's wrong?" he asked worried.

"Please sit down" Leighanne begged him. "And please don't speak until I'm finished ok? I'm nervous already".

Brian nodded, and so Leighanne began to tell him.

"Well, these past weeks I haven't been feeling too well, although I didn't want to worry you. I had been throwing up also, and so I called for a doctor's appointment just to be on the safe side. I went there today, and told me some shocking news". Leighanne could see Brian starting to panic deep inside of him. But she ignored him and continued. "I'm expecting, Brian. We're going to be a mommy and a daddy!"

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