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*NSync Cliches

All humor sites make *NSync and Britney Spears have the same personalities that are not like their real ones, in case you havn't noticed. I thought I would carry on that tradition, since it's obviously some secret society thing that all web site owners get together in a dark ally and plot a plan. the head master of it all is like "ok, gang, Justin's personality will be like this..", "Jerome is JC's crack dealer" and so forth. Brass n I apparently missed the last few meetings, so go ahead into the back ally and check out the links.

*NSync's Cars. Not like they can drive or anything, but...
Interviews and Questionaires..what exactly ARE we asking them?a>
10 ways..for what? click here to find out!a>
weird connections..Hmm, makes you wonder what's behind this link
I've always wanted to do this, but it was already taken. Lance and Joey, the couple. This goes to another person's site.
The Diary Files that you never thought you would find. They didn't want you to see them. But BrassnPug got a hold of them first for your viewing pleasure.
10 Things To Do.
Lemme have a word bout Chris n Justin
Why the albums suck.
Her comes the monkies, all dressed in white...
Shhh, it's a secret.
Behind the scenes of *NSync, UNSENSORED PICS! SOME NUDE! SEX SHOTS!
See? The Guys DO Help Out.
looks like Justin and Britney are out for some trouble.
The bad side of them-pictures.
horrorscope What's *NSync's day going to be like?

See the Ellen/Lance lookalike pics

Their connection to Innosense

let em sing something for ya

Answering Machine

they got some nicknames they wanna share

Quotes to remember them by

Just random *NSync stuff here

huh? the guys are dating each other?

Ricky=Justin or Justin=Ricky? you decide

they got some theme songs they'd like to share with ya

video review *coming soon*

the guys have to vent about something

they're gonna poke an eye out with their smiles

How *NSync got their start coming soon

BrassnPugs Monkey House