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True Story:

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Lauren woke up one day,just like any other day right?Wrong.Something would happen today that would change her life.Something terrible.She got up,got dressed,ate breakfast,and went to school just like she did every week day.She got to homeroom and seated herself.She watched the news show and said the pledge.She then went to her first class language.She did the work and spent the rest of the time talking to her friends.Then the bell rang she put her stuff in her backpack and went to her next class.She hated her next class,social studies.They had a test that particular day,luckily it was an open book test.She got done and the teacher told the group to read their ar books{thats were you read books and take tests on them,you get so many points for a book and you have to meet a goal}Lauren already had her goal but she read anyway after the bell rang they stayed in there seats because the social studies teacher also taught science they watched two videos while filling out two sheets.They then proceeded to their next class . Ar they read in they for an hour and finally it was time for lunch.Lauren had a lunchables mega pack which she traded with one of her friends for a hot pocket she ate quietly by herself when Joey{a girl in 5th grade} came and sat down next to her{lauren is in 7th grade} "hey" she said "hi" lauren said back ."aren't you lonely sitting up here all alone how come no one's sitting by you?"she asked i'm not lonely" she replied and i'm sitting here alone i guess because brian's not here"{brian is laurens boyfriend} "oh" joey said. Joey got up and out of the gazebo to sit with her brother,justin.After a minute or to lauren got bored and decided to go and see what they were talking about.She went down to the table andsat down.Justin was sitting with his head down.Laren knew he was having a hard time in life, he had asked her out a couple of times but she got together with brian.Justin pulled his head off the table and looked around lauren had heard him talk about suicide before but always thought it was a joke."i just don't think i belong in this world anyomore"he said.elisa{one of laurens friends}was about in tears "don't say that!" she practicly screamed.'was he serious?' lauren thought to herself the rest of the lunch period she stayed at the table and said a few things .she went to math class and then went to break.Thats where she got it one of justins friends handed her a note and said it was from justin.On the front it said

"Lauren for your eyes only, sorry i'll call you later don't tell or let anyone else see this" lauren was frightened she carfully opened the note and here's what it said "lauren this all started when you said no to me and yes to brian.when you broke up with him i thought i had a chance.but no not this time not anytime because i like you a lot and i am sorry"

     "ps sorry about the handwriting,i am in big time destress"
     "pps.when i said like a lot i meant love."

At the bottom of the page there was a gun drawn and the word "or"after it and after "or" he had drawn a knife. after she read this note she didn't know what to do.she was scared!two of her friends elisa and stacy came up to her and each handed over a note that said i don't bolong in this world anymore sorry and also had a gun and knife at the bottom of the page she handed over her note and they both read it their eye's wide with horrer "it's all my faught"lauren said "no it's not your fault!"stacy said.the bell rang and they went to pe they were playing softball and lauren thought what she was going to do elisa was on her team and they talked when it wasn't their turns about whet to do.after pe was over while they walked back to the audutoruim they talked judst elisa stacy and lauren they didn't know what to do how to react.lauren went home still not knowing what do do the next day justin didn't come to school or the day after that joey came to school after the third day and told everyone that justin shot himself and had died. "oh my god" lauren remembered saying after that she wished she had said something anything to one of the teachers lauren is still liviung with that grief because she didn't say anything someone died please if you know someone who talks about killing themselves tell someone don't make the same mistake i did justin was only 13 when he died and he should have lived a lot longer this is a true story just to let you know.
