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Hi, you've seen my picture, now I'll tell you a little about myself. Oh, where do I start?

I was born and raised in the beautiful hills of West Virginia.I am the youngest of a family of five. We lived in a small coal mining town called Eccles. I attended Trap Hill High School, graduated and moved on to Jacksonville, North Carolina to live with my older sister Gloria Vellucci.

It is there that I met and and married a marine, he was from Pennslyvania so thats where we moved to. We were married seventeen years, and we had a beautiful daughter, her name is "Kimberly Ann DeAngelo" and now I have two grandchildren which you will be seeing pictures of on my page. Enough for now, but will be adding more as we go along.

Here in my world, I have two little stinkers, my grandchildren, Ashlea and Anthony.

This is my little mansion!! I am so proud of my home, I enjoy planting and watching the flowers grow in the summer.

In my mansion lives two spoiled critters, just ask all my visitors, they will tell you how spoiled they are.But I love them.

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Please visit the links below, I am very proud of my friends and my family and all the pictures I had the opportunity to take while visiting in The Netherlands and Paris.

I am very proud to be a member of the groups below. Please visit their sites, there is so much information and talent within the groups. You will enjoy going back many times.

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