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Bean Juice: The Recipe


300 g dried black beans
9 C water
4 1/2 C sugar
3 T citric acid (a.k.a. sour salt)
1 t flavouring (optional, but I like using strawberry flavouring)


Put the dried black beans in a really big pot with water and boil for 20 to 25 minutes (but no more than 25, it'll turn out weird if you do). Take off stove and remove the beans (but don't dump the water, it's tricky!). Add sugar, citric acid, and flavouring and stir. Pour it into a container and let it cool (or let it cool and then pour it into a container, whichever you prefer), it makes about 1 1/2 quarts of concentrate. When you have the desire to drink some, mix one part concentrate with three to five parts water, adjusting to taste. Don't drink it straight, you'll sugar yourself to death. Hehehe.

Recipe compliments of Roberta Stephens (my aunt)

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