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Andrew "Dru" Rogers was an
athletic prodigy who had played drums
since he was five. But he'd never taken
an interest in vocals until his senior
year of high school, when he found all
the girls were captivated by his singing
voice. Dru credits his brother Scott as a
significant influence, along with such
artists as Stevie Wonder, George
Benson, Earth Wind & Fire, and
Norman Brown.Nick Name: Dru

Full Name: Andrew Michael Rogers

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 165

Write with Right or Left hand: Right

Piercings: Both ears

Pets: Two dogs (Morgan and Nala)

Languages spoken: Conversational Spanish and Sign


 Song: "Send one your love" by Stevie Wonder

 Food: Canoli

 Cartoon: Bugs Bunny

 Animal: Koala bear

 Sport: Football /Track / Soccer

 Drink: Pepsi

 Christmas Present: All

Video Game: Manx GT

 Color: Blue

   Car: Plymouth Prowler

  Cologne/Perfume: CK one

     Movie: "The American President"

    Sports Team: Green Bay Packers


Album: Stevie Wonder

Concert: M.C. Hammer

Kiss: When I was in fifth grade in the back of her parents' van.

Short Answer:

Q Who is the most influential person in your life and why?

A My high school friend Gary Rowe who I heard sing once and
was mesmerized. If it hadn't been for him, I would never had
started singing. Thanks brother.

Q Who is the person you most want to meet and why?

A Stevie Wonder. I'd just like to talk to him about life and where
he gets his musical ideas & influences.

Q What are your hobbies?

A Music, poetry, golf, motorcycles, mystery novels, movies,
making people laugh.

Q Who is your hero and why?

A My father Ray and my mother Valerie for the terrific upbringing
and family I am so fortunate to be a part of. You all are my life
and my heroes.

Q You are stuck on a desert island. What three things would you
bring and why?

A A guitar, plenty of food and clean underwear.

Q What is your heritage?

A Irish / Dutch

Q To you , what is the most important thing in a relationship?

A Honesty and understanding

Q What musical instruments do you play?

A Drums, Guitar, Bass, Trumpet

Q Describe your wildest fantasy.

A Not describable

Q Describe your perfect Christmas gift:

A My future wife telling me our first child is on the way.

Q What magazines do you read?

A Maxim, GQ, Mens' Health, Sports Illustrated

Q Describe your perfect date.

A Find out for yourself.

Q What is the weirdest rumor you've heard about yourself?

A Too many to recall, all rumors are weird.

       Odd questions our patrons want to know...

Tooth brush color: "Blue"

Tooth paste brand: "Mentadent"

Boxers or briefs: "Boxer briefs "

Item you couldn't live without: "Clean underwear"

Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads, or other: "All have unique
qualities I like."

Gold, Silver, Platinum, Plastic, or other: "Gold & Silver, which
ever I feel like."

Who or what is your biggest enemy: "My own mind."

What about yourself do you like the most? "My ability to always
make someone smile & laugh."

What is your shoe size? "10.5 "

In one word, describe yourself: "Balanced "

Do you believe in aliens? "No"

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say
"McDonalds?" "Let's go, I'm starving."

Do you have a licensee to kill? "It was suspended."