how to sleep (vhs from crippled ninja productions) OBEY. the first image from this tape is a still from the movie 'they live', one of the aliens in front of a sign that says "obey" in bold black letters. one of the few things on this tape that you can actually tell what it is. much of this is completely abstract pixelated weirdness, like an 8bit video game drug fugue. "opium den, new for your atari 2600!" occasionally images pop up, however briefly; someone jumps off of a ledge or a building and smashes someone else in the head, a bit of odd claymation.. the music playing along with it only enhances the drugged out atmosphere, wavery strings or keyboards or both over sparse beats, and in one section it changes to a continuous wavery pulse that wouldn't have sounded out of place on 'eraserhead', while on the screen of a television videotaped in a dark room a person pulls down the skin under their eye, the eye nearly filling up the screen. very dark and weird.