jason campbell/vok (split c60 from hermetic museum recordings) jason campbell delivers a surprisingly entertaining half hour of noise, surprising because his side has only two tracks: 'in search of missing parts' and 'strange dreams.' most noise artists [myself included] seem to have a problem keeping a track interesting over a long period of time, but the first piece never stays in one spot too long through it's twenty+ minutes, although it is almost always very abrasive feedback/sample manipulation. 'strange dreams' is substantially shorter, and actually less interesting. vok waste no time getting into things on their half, which according to the sleeve is made of 'vok105-100 (extended versions)' although the way they're put together it could be one long shifting track, a huge rumbling abstract noise piece. pretty engaging for the most part, although a couple parts near the end are a bit repetitous. still definitely worth a listen.