some asian females bodybuilders kim keum-ja (cdr from some asian females bodybuilders) according to a flier i got in the mail, this is a an ambient noise project (side project of crypt vihâra from the spanish group hinyouki) with the personality of various bodybuilders, in this case kim keum-ja. what the sound has to do with her i could not tell you. this recording consists of two tracks, both untitled and completely abstract in sound. the first is deep, crunchy feedback, maintaining more or less the same tone throughout (or possibly changing so slowly as to be unnoticable), with incredibly quiet high bell sounds moving in and out of audibility. occasionally a different frequency will interact with the main sound and cause it to pulse. despite having the volume rather high when i've listened to this it always seems to sink into the background and become sort of calming, maybe because of the low frequency range of the piece. at around eighteen minutes the sound clears up and reduces itself to two pulsing sine waves, changing frequencies so the pulsing seems to shift speeds over time. after a brief period of silence the sine waves return and build themselves back into a low-volume feedback crunch, kind of a coda to the track i guess. the second track is shorter but still long at eight minutes and focuses more on the middle frequencies, basically the same type of sound as the first, even having an underlying sine wave wobble. due to the slightly higher sound of this track, it's a bit more intrusive than the previous, so the listener is forced to pay a bit more attention. there are some underlying sounds, like the already mentioned pulsing sine waves, but since this was used before doesn't seem too interesting the second time around. not a bad recording for working to or for giving yourself a troubled sleep, but doesn't really lend itself to attentive listening.