sickness/prurient mundane (cdr from hospital productions) i've only heard sickness through his remix for the verweisung comp, which really doesn't compare to this track. 'what is left still burns is a long violent digital cut-up almost without pause. and when there are pauses it's usually just to let some high frequency feedback or something start to get on your nerves. some parts loop and stutter but never go on too long. a bit overwhelming actually, but a very good track. prurient also does the cut-up harsh noise thing on his track 'pasture', although a bit more reflective than the sickness track, with sounds let alone longer. brief bits of sampled music tear through, along with screams and other unidentifiable sounds, and lots and lots of feedback. very nice high frequency bits to grit your teeth to, and a clearer sound than most of the prurient i've heard. a split very much worth checking out.