umaro/andy kisaragi k'un lun and digitalnonsense (split cdr from yuffie's sub quest) final fantasy-inspired experimentalists umaro (after the character from final fantasy3 ) and andy kisaragi (member of yuffie kisaragi, named after the character from final fantasy7, flyin solo) team up for an hours worth of weirdness. umaro starts with k'un lun 1-15, which for the first couple tracks sounds like odd soundtrack music for 1950's sci-fi movies, burbling synthesizers and quiet loops, each track ending with the pop and click of the stop button on a tape machine at a seemingly completely arbitrary point. things coninue in this nice lo-fi sci-fi mode for the first couple tracks, and the fourth track starts with pretty much the same feel until about halfway through a slow hip hop beat comes in and pulls the random-seeming elements into order, and then the entire rest of this half of split is changed. tracks are then beats and quiet synth blip/noise loops, still starting and stopping with the click of the stop button (which for some reason i really liked), just really weird stuff. andy kisaragi's digital nonsense consists of harsher material than umaro, computer data/field recording/other unidentifiable looped sounds crunching and pulsing and generally being noisy. kind of similar to the orators material on the split with vok, but more random and spastic, offset with the sounds of bells and whatnot. as i said, weird stuff.