ysq1 (cdr from yuffie's sub quest) i have apparently completely thrown out my unwritten rule about not reviewing comps that i'm on, and who really cares anyway? my track is only a small part. anyway, this was intended to be the first release from ysq, a couple months ago, but it got delayed by all the things that usually bog down compilations. [if you would like to know what those things are then organize a compilation and don't set a deadline for submissions. try it!] i believe the way it was set up was that everybody who said they wanted in was secured a spot until the cd was full, which of course ended up with a wide range of sounds and a really good cd. a good selection of noise all types and music all types, plus some tracks that defy classification, and most of them are pretty good. and where else will you find phroq and plouf on the same cd?