zen^soku Grind X [batsu] (cdr from KTR)
i had a pretty crazy experience while listening to this cd. let's set the scene: i'm in my new apartment, the room that holds all my music and noise related things like my stereo, cd's and tapes, meager collection of noise making 'equipment'... i'm sitting on the floor leaning against the wall, listening to this cd. the first track is pretty good, harsh distorted voicework with high screaming and deep moans along with regular feedback screeches. the third track i didn't like as much, probably cos the sound is too clear and undistorted; it's still feedback but more of a warbly tone swooshing from low to high and since it's a clearer sound doesn't really have the feeling of depth the other tracks have. but anyway, the second track is what really blew me away. it's another super distorted feedback track like the first [all tracks are named 'unko', by the way, 'unko' 'unko2' and 'unko3'] with a repeating sound underneath. as i was listening to this track, sitting against the wall and staring at my feet, thinking actually about how i would write up the review this strange feeling came over me.. it's pretty hard to explain. it was like the sounds i was hearing were really just a fraction of what was really there, and the actual sound of it would tear my head apart if i were to allow myself to hear it, but i could just sense the bare edge of it. like some sort of psuedo-religious
doors of perception thing. i felt incredibly tense, like if i moved at all my tendons would snap; if someone came up and tried to talk to me i wouldn't be able to reply without screaming every response. and i wasn't even chemically modified, unless you count the chemicals my body makes on it's own. i realize this is more of a 'me' thing than has to do with the track itself, but it definitely contributed to this wierd experience.