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Welcome to

Dalkiel Damion's

COTN/CWF Personel Web Site


Est. JAN 2000

Pages May load slow on some computers. Please be patient until I sup this thing up.

Last Updated on 04/24/05
Obfuscate's Official Web Site05/29/03
Dalkiel's Demo Page05/29/03
Metal Link Page Updated on 05/23/03
Tattoo Page Updated on 01/17/04
Piercing Page Updated on 08/20/03
Dark Eden's Picture Page Updated on N/A, had to remove do to the 10/29/03 note below.
Dalkiel's CWF Bio Page Updated on 05/23/03

03/24/06: I'll be getting my butt to work and revamping this entire site. So ya know, it's just so time consuming.

10/12/05: Wow what a time difference. Look at the two. Almost one year since I wrote something here. God damn. What the hell have I been doing?

11/01/04: Not very many updates. With working 2 jobs and 2 bands it's hard to keep up with anything. Check back on another date. Thank you Drive threw! :)~ 10/29/03: As of today, my account went back to the free service. So I lost alot of stuff. There will be a lot of broken links and missing pictures. Sorry for the inconvenance.

05/29/03: Small Demo of Obfuscate's God Will Lose, Satan Will Win here.

05/23/03: New Profile Music Video here.

06/16/02: Come check out some reviews and my 1st offical Interview here

06/15/02: is back up and running, check us
06/10/02: Discography page done, check it out here.
04/26/02: Core Till Death Compilation CD is Now Avaliable, check it out here. Order it Today!
04/13/02: Obfuscate performs VIA Internet, curtiousy of the COTN & CWF. Come check it out here which is one of two parts.
03/13/02Pictures from The 7th Annual Motor City Tattoo Expohere.
03/10/02The 7th Annual Motor City Tattoo Expo comes to a end. Read my taking's on it here.
03/06/02 Obfuscate's Instrumental Intro Demo Now Available. Click on Demo Page.

Obfuscate's Official Web Site///Dalkiel's Demo Page
NEW REVISED Version of Sickly Evil by Obfuscate w/ Dalkiel on Vocals! Click on my Demo Page to hear it.

Jam Rag Magazine Sustainer Award

My CWF Character's Bio

Tattoo Page/Metal Link Page


Visit My Fellow COTN/CWF/CCW Friends and families Web Sites

Creatures Championship Wrestling (CCW) RPG Board


Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
Obfuscate is a Registered Trade Name, Copyrighted Jan 2002-2005. All rights Reserved. In assosiation with Dalkiel Enterprise's L.L.C. © Copyright Jan 2002-2005. All Rights Reserved. Want to read details on what a copyright is?, then go HERE.

Dalkiel is also a Proud Member of HeavyCore!

Lord Dalkiel's WWF/ Heavy Metal/ COTN Tattoo Web Site