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Audio Clips

If you get a chance mail Device. Tell us which clip is your favorite, and if you'd like a full version Mp3 we'll do our best to hook you up!

WARNING! All clips are in realaudio format so therefore they sound like crap. The quality of these clips does not accurately reflect the opinions or abilities of Device.

Love Song
The full version of a short interlude that sonically express the complete spectrum of love.

currently untitled clip 2
A very short clip of the midsection and the ending of one of our techno/metal songs. The full version kicks, literally.

This is a clip of our song, Energy. Guitar solo courtesy of Adam.

Ever get so close to having something you have always wanted that you almost had it? Well, almost dosn't count now does it?

Holding on to nothing. clip 1 clip 2 The most recent Device recording. Clip 1 is the verse/chorus and clip 2 is the ending.

Untitled Yet another untitled Device tune. This is the first full track ever recorded. It's Groovy, Bitch!

Any questions or comments, please send to

All audio Copywright Device-x studios 1999