As of right now the girls are perfecting some covers and a few songs of their own to record the demo.
Please hold on just a little bit longer for the sounds....I promise they are coming!
As always thank you for being so patient and thanks for the support!
Here is some new stuff~
On food:
Megan: I love it!
Lindsey: Well I'm full right now....The girls say I'm picky,but no I'm not.
On staying up all night:
Megan:It's great when I'm not tired,but when I am it sucks!
Lindsey: If I'm with the other friends then it's a necessity,but alone...I need my sleep
On being scared:
Megan:I hate being scared,especially when I hear noises at night then I just freak out
Lindsey: One word S.P.I.D.E.R.S..:shudders:
On holidays:
Megan:I love them,especially Christmas,but I dislike A LOT Valentine's day
Lindsey: I absolutly love christmas.Half because I get to decorate and half because I get to see my whole family
On doing laundry:
Megan:It's the worst,but If I don't do it no one will
Lindsey: I've had to do my own since 3rd grade.Basically If I don't do it ,it just doesn't get done
On life without...
Megan:Music,I would die and my feather pillow
Lindsey: Music,Is there such a place?!?!Please don't make me go there!
On the importance of fame:
Megan:I've always wanted to be famous,especially because I've never been in the "Popular" group
Lindsey: As long as people hear what we are trying to communicate,If a lot of people recognize us for it then great :D
On flirting:
Megan:I wish that was something I could do,but I'm way too shy
Lindsey: I try...I really do,but I always wind up looking dumb
On herself:
Megan:I guess I like myself,but I always find something to critisize
Lindsey: Oh great I gotta talk about myself......ummm...I'm a singer
On Megan:
Lindsey: Spoiled,awesome singer,good friend,always knows what to say when you have a problem
On religion:
Megan:I'm catholic,and I have nothing against other religions.I don't like going to church,but I have no choice
Lindsey: I'm lutheran and although I don't go to church every sunday religion is important to me
On the media:
Megan:I don't mind them,except when they change your words around and make up things that aren't true
Lindsey: They can make or break you.If you don't say or do the right thing then consider yourself a snack
On the rich and famous:
Megan:I want to be both.I wish they would be more generous to the needy
Lindsey: I think it's great if you have money and fame,but that's where it stops.If they rub it in other people's faces or flaunt it,then it's no longer a good thing
On football:
Megan:I don't know..It's ok
Lindsey: WOO-HOO hot guys!
On her favorite expressions:
Megan:I say "Whatever" a lot
Lindsey: I am told I have a lot of them, most of which are too dumb and embarassing to say
On decorating:
Megan:I love it,especially decorating my room
Lindsey: I love to decorate,I like to be creative I guess
On babies:
Megan:They are so cute ,except when they spit up and need their diaper changed
Lindsey: They are so adorable,except when you have to change diapers
On cooking:
Megan:I can cook..I guess.Not a whole lot of things
Lindsey: I can cook pretty good actually,well no one has died yet
On a good night:
Megan:Singing,dancing and hanging with friends
Lindsey: Singing,dancing and loud music!
On her favorite animal
Megan:Cats and monkeys
Lindsey: Dogs....they are so cute!
On her favorite films:
Megan:I like all kinds of movies except action,it depends on what movie
Lindsey: Two-words....Mission Impossible.I no lie rent it like twice a month.I don't even know why I like it so much!