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  •    Biography   
       is the creation of Jeffrey Mettling. Born in Ada, Minnesota
    in 1965,  he has studied music most of his life and is the creative
    energy and driving force behind Elu's music including writing, arranging,         
    performing, engineering and producing.
    Jeff has showed an interest in the arts since a young age. His parents
    Herman and Sandra enrolled him in tap and ballet lessons at the
    age of seven, unsatisfied and somewhat tortured by dance, Jeff begged his
    parents not to make him continue. At the age of 8 he began taking music
    lessons and art classes. Starting with violin lessons he pleaded with his
    parents to let him learn the guitar which was to become his instrument of
    choice. Through high school he continued his guitar classes, winning awards
    for his playing abilities and playing in many different rock and pop groups
    in school assemblies and in venues throughout Albuquerque, New Mexico
    and neighboring communities. He has continued to expand his instrumental
    abilities, learning keyboards, sampling, programming, bass and drums.
    Jeff's musical abilities and recent projects have won him three awards and
    over 12 nominations by the New Mexico Music Industry Coalition since
    Elu has been described by many listeners as ethereal, meditative and
    imaginative. His music combines modern drum beats and loops
    with melodic overtones. In addition to his own, female vocalists, Shelley
    Lopez and Christina San Migual, enhance the moods set by the music.
    The goal is to create relaxation and harmony of the human spirit allowing
    the mind to explore the endless boundary of fantasy and reality.
    "Although music is created by the individual, its meaning is defigned by
    the listener."
    Jeff shares his musical realm with artists such as Tangerine Dream, Enya
    and Enigma to name a few. He is still searching for that big break into
    the music industry.

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    This page and its contents Copyright 1998/1999, elu/Jeffrey Mettling