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Erin, Dawn, and I left Raleigh at 5:30pm on Friday November 13, 1998 and got to Myrtle Beach at 8:45pm. We got into the club and went straight to the front and got front and center. The opening band was Candella. They weren't that bad. Then at 11pm, after feeling like I was going to be sick from excitement, finger 11 came on. They were just playing calmly and Scott was just standing there in the center of the stage looking down, swaying, and holding the mic. Then they started off with Shudder. When Scott came toward the edge of the stage, everyone would reach out for him. People were grabbing his shirt, his shoes, his pants, and his hands. At one point, when he was at my right, people were grabbing him and not letting go. At a quiet point during the concert, I screamed "SCOTT" and he looked up and smiled. Also at one point I was singing I looked over at Rick and he saw us. Then I did the same thing with James and he was looking at us but I don't know if he saw me or if he was concentrating too hard. During Costume for a Gutterball, Rick's problems with his guitar worsened and it looked like he started to get really angry. Then when they came out for the encore, Sean came out then Rich came out. Then Rick came out then James then Scott. When Rich was sitting down he looked up and Erin and I screamed his name. He looked at us. After the encore, they left the stage and Erin, Dawn and I went to find where they were selling t-shirts. Before we left Erin practically climbed onto the stage, over the barrier, and grabbed Scott's setlist. I got a finger 11 t-shirt for fifteen bucks. Then we left and ran to the car. We got in and I pulled around to the back, where their van was. We got out and I grabbed my t-shirt and my camera and we went to see if they were going to come out. We walked around by the vans and a guy who worked there told us to stand behind the ropes they had set up. So we went behind them and waited for them to come out. A group of people went over to the person who worked at the House of Blues and said that they had backstage passes. They were obviously lying because they couldn't think of a name of anyone either from the opening band or from finger 11. The guy who worked there spoke into his headset to see if anyone knew about that. Obviously nobody knew about it because they never got backstage. We were waiting around some more and suddenly Sean appeared. He was standing at the place where they were loading their equipment. I screamed "Sean" a couple of times. I am not sure if he heard me. Then someone else who looked like Scott appeared in the same place that Sean had. I did a double take and asked Erin and Dawn and then we all realized that it was Scott. Then all at once, unplanned, Erin, Dawn, and I screamed "Scott." He looked over at us and laughed. Then he went over to Sean. Then Scott walked over to us and said "Hey, How are you guys?" to us. I looked at him and asked "you remember us?" He said "of course" and I was shocked. I said wow a couple of times and I think Scott kind of laughed. So we talked to Scott for a little then Sean came over. Erin and Dawn started talking to Sean while I kept talking to Scott. I told him about my webpage that I was making and I told him a couple of other things. I got Scott to sign my shirt. Scott told me that he had gotten the picture of him and I from the last concert that I had emailed to them. Then Scott went over to talk to other people and I started talking to Sean. Sean remembered us too. There was a rope between us and Sean so Sean said "let me go on your side of the security rope." He said it like it was stupid to have the rope there. I thought it was stupid too. We all got pictures with Sean (Even after my constant begging, Scott refused to take a picture with me because he said he always looks bad after the shows). While I went to get the pictures from the other concert, Erin got Sean to sign my shirt. I came back and started showing Scott the pictures. By this time James has walked over to us. He said he remembered us from Lake Boone. I got James to sign my shirt while I showed Scott the pictures. Then I showed James and Sean the pictures. We all got pictures with James. Then Rick came over. I got Rick to sign my shirt, I showed him the pictures, then we got more pictures with him. Rich was over standing next to Scott when I was showing Scott the pictures but before I could get Rich to sign my shirt he had left. So Erin, Dawn, and I were standing all alone while Scott and Sean were talking to other people and I guess Sean noticed us and he came over and talked to us again. Then he said he had to go. He held out his hand for us to shake. We asked him if he could get Rich to come out to us. Sean told us to drive safely back to Raleigh. So Sean left and we saw him talking to Rich and pointing to us. Rich came over and I got him to sign my shirt and we got pictures with him. Then he left. I wish that we could have talked to Rich more. He is the only one that we didn't really have a conversation with. He just signed my shirt and took pictures with us. Then Scott came over to us and said sorry about not taking a picture with me but he asked me to give him a hug. So I did. Then Erin and Dawn asked him for a hug so he hugged them. Scott left and James came over and said that he just wanted to say goodbye. So I put out my hand and he shook it. Then he left and Erin, Dawn and I went back to the car happily. Scott and James had also mentioned something about the concert on December 6th back at the House of Blues. They said that they would be opening for Creed. Scott asked if he would see us there and we said definitely. It was once again an awesome night with Finger Eleven. We still had over three hours to drive back home though. I have to say it was completely worth it.





Thin Spirits



Sing Along (cover of a Grant Lee Buffalo song)

Awake and Dreaming


Temporary Arms


Walking. . .( cover of a Depeche Mode song)

Costume for a Gutterball

