Part 13

"Why do you want to do that?" a voice said, interrupting her. KelNino turned around. A guy of about 17 was watching her closely. His eyes were a strange orange tint, his hair blonde and messily spiked, and he stood at about 6'6". He wore clothes of red and his skin was a smooth pale shade that comlimented his thin face. Despite his thin figure, KelNino could see well-built muscle under his upside-down American flag T-shirt.

"Errr, who are you?" she stuttered.

"You can call me Redwing."

"What kind of name is that?" Shayla rudely stated. KelNino shot her an angry look, after which Shayla hid behind Ada.

"Well, I'm KelNino," KelNino stated. "This is Robin. Junta here is my sister. This is Ada, she's the chosen one. Shayla here is the reincarnated soul of John Bonham. fireangel and rockstar. Daniel, Ben and Chris. You know, the band silverchair?"

Redwing nodded. "A pleasure to meet you all." The group returned the gesture and Redwing continued "So why do you want to blow up this place?"

KelNino stepped forward (Robin was clearly jealous of this good-lookin' dude). "First off, we're from the future. We've come to prevent the rise of Britney Spears." To the group's surprise, Redwing did not seem surprised by this.

"Oh, I see." He nodded, looking around. "And since we are quite alone here, I'll tell you about myself. I come from the future as well. What year do you travel from?"

"Err, 2000," KelNino sputtered in surprise. Redwing seemed disappointed.

"Oh, shame."

"What's wrong?"

"I thought maybe we'd be from similar ages."

"Well, what time do you come from?"

"Not sure, actually." The group stared at Redwing strangely. "You see, around the year 2060, Britney Spears was aged and more powerful than ever. Our world became controlled by pop completely. Most intelligent, brunette, or ugly people were systematically exterminated. However, I survived by hiding from these murderers. I am part of a secret underground organization. I am here for your exact destroy pop before it destroys humankind altogether."

"Er, that's pretty wickedeebo..." Robin stated drunkenly. Redwing glanced over at him and gasped.

"Er, Robin? As in Robin Faragher?!"

Robin nodded, unsure of what Redwing was going to get at.

"It's er, an honor to meet you, sir." Redwing stuttered. KelNino, surprised by the break in Redwing's confident and calm nature, interrupted.

"Oh, trust me. Any Robin you're thinking of isn't this guy. This Robin is a complete loser. Why the big deal?"

"Loser?" Redwing seemed shocked. "But this must be young Mr. Faragher. In my time, Robin is the NBP leader."

"NBP?" KelNino queried.

"Er..." Redwing collected himself again. "The Neo-Bathroom Pioneers. The organization I work with."

"Holy s**t!" Robin proclaimed. "You mean to tell me that I become a secret leader of an underground organization? Wickedeebo."

"Robin, you are so immature." Shayla rolled her eyes.

KelNino continued to question Redwing. "The Neo-Bathroom Pioneers?"

"Yes, we follow the path of the original Bathroom free the world of pop trash."

"How cool is that?" KelNino turned to the group, then turned back to Redwing. "Hey, *we're* the Bathroom Pioneers! This is pretty 'wickedeebo'." Redwing was very impressed.

"Wait - you're KelNino? As in KelNino Feo? And Ada, the chosen one! Shayla...John Bonham! And Junta! I didn't realize who you were. This is incredible!" A smile spread across Redwing's face, revealing a pearly white straight smile. "This really is a honor."

"Err, thanks," Robin said. Just then, a tall, red-head also dressed in red clothes entered the room. He was also fair-skinned like Redwing, but he was not as tall. His eyes were a slightly darker shade of orange.

"Oh, Saurus. Hello!" Redwing flagged the redhead over.

"Saurus, I'd like you to meet the original Bathroom Pioneers. You all, this is Saurus."

Suarus gave Redwing a confused look. "The Bathroom Pioneers? But - they don't form until 2000..." He stared in awe at the chosen and unchosen.

dreamer stepped up. "Yes, but we were sent into the past for some reason. We came here to destroy Fibergiggle-Rack Laboratories." dreamer looked into Saurus' eyes and for a split second something connected.

"Oh, well, we just went up and totaled the labs. This downstairs area is very important for bands, so we couldn't just blow the whole building. Besides, we don't have the firepower to do that."

The group left the building. The streets were empty and growing dark. Redwing and Saurus led them though a basement door into a room crowded with about 10 more people with the orange eyes and red clothing.

"Hey! Guys! We have visitors!" The group of pop-hunters from the future looked up to hear the announcement. When nobody was looking, Saurus slid his hand behind his back and grasped dreamer's hand. She returned the warm squeeze.

KelNino noticed a silver chair and a few medals on Redwing that the others did not have. He must be the leader, she thought. Redwing quieted the red-clad Neo-Bathroom Pioneers and explained to them that Boyz II Men was running amok in Seattle. The group paid little attention to this because they were staring at the bathroom pioneers. One of them kept looking up from a textbook back to the chosen and unchosen. He nugded another and pointed to the text. KelNino wondered what the hell his problem was.

"Hey, lemme see that..." KelNino snatched the text book up and took a good look at the picture the dude had been whispering over. Robin glanced over KelNino's shoulder.

"Hey, is that us?" he gasped. Junta and Ada crowded over the book. Sure enough, a still photo of all the bathroom pioneers together filled a full page of the book. However, they looked older, perhaps in their early twenties.

" is," KelNino whispered in shock. She closed the book and read the hardcover. A gold-embossed title read 'Neo-Bathroom Pioneers Historical Background: The Paleo-Bathroom Pioneers'. Junta pointed to smaller text near the bottom of the hardcover.

"Hey dreamer, you wrote this book! Wow, we must be heroes!"

"Wickedeebo!" Robin exclaimed.

Meanwhile, the group of visitors from the future were whispering excitedly. Redwing quieted them.

"Yes, yes. We are in the midst of the original Bathroom Pioneers. Quiet, they deserve your full respect." The group silenced immediately.

"Oh, hehe. No need for that," Shayla stated non-chalantly. "We're just a bunch of trisexuals on a mission to destroy pop. No biggie, really."

"Shayla..." dreamer rolled her eyes. "Really, you guys. She kinda put it in a crude manner, but I guess she's in the right. Just treat us like, er, regular people, I guess. We don't demand respect. We're just little punk teenagers..."

"Well, except for Daniel. He may be 21, but he acts like a second grader if you ask me." Shayla mumbled. Daniel just continued smiling.

"It's a, uh, real pleasure to meet you..." A frail-looking brunette spoke up. He tried to sound casual, but all could tell he was nervous beyond losing bladder control. "I'm Ryban, this is Hero," he said, motioning to the guy that had been holding the book. "And over there is Princax," he said, pointing to an attractive, tall blonde standing in the doorway. "We are the main squadrant of the Neo-Bathroom Pioneers. Along with Redwing and Saurus of course."

Redwing spoke up. "Mr. Faragher, Ryban is one of your great-grandchildren." Ryban blushed excessively.

"Dude, exactly how old am I in your time?" Robin sputtered.

"Oh, by the year we live in, you all had passed long before we were even born. So you understand why it's such an honor to meet you in real life. We know so little of your personal lives because so many records were destroyed by pop. We only know physical things, like age and your powers and sites of battle. Only a couple of pictures of you survived the pop-revolution." The chosen and unchosen nodded, thoroughly frightened of what the future had become. "But even though the forces of pop destroyed so much, you all saved humankind. You lived secretly and survived in the shadows. When you were able to grow strong enough, we had a huge force of anti-pop. Without you, the world would become doomed. The Paleo-Bathroom Pioneers were heroes in our society, gods to many."

"So, anybody up for some more tacos?" Shayla broke the seriousness of the conversation.

"Damn! I could use a banana right now!" Robin answered.

"Me too! And some Frosted Flakes!"

"They're called Frosties!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"KelNino! Robin! Not here!" Junta pushed them apart and faked a smile at the Neo-BP's.

"Er, scratch the tacos, let's go to the bathroom!"

On to Part 14!

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