Part 4

dreamer finished wiping her watery eyes, blinked in shock, and exclaimed, "Melissa Auf der Maur?! Okay, what the hell is going on?!"

It was indeed the curly-haired bassist, and she gave KelNino Feo-faragher a hug, for she was her mother (due to large amounts of plastic surgery, you couldn't have guessed that the bassist was actually 67 years old).

"Mom!" exclaimed KelNino.

"Daughter!" replied Melissa.




"Robin!" dreamer interrupted, "Watch out!" Shania had slithered up behind the skinny banana-sporting bot and had thrust her amrs around his neck. Robin struggled to break free, but once again, he was too weak. Taylor joined Shania in the attack as she pressed the still bubbling-hot tube top into Robin's back.

"Ack!" shouted Robin. KelNino ran to her love's side, throwing one of the two pop idols off of him (she couldn't tell which was which). She grabbed the other one around the wrist, sending a great many volts of electricity into him/her. Thankfully, she had managed to kill the worst of the two, Taylor, so he lay wiggling like a twig. Junta walked to Taylor to see whether he was dead or not.

"Why haven't you died yet, Taylor!?" Junta asked, staring at him like he was a piece of garbage.

Black Ballroom walked up with a dictionary. "May I have five minutes of your time?" Black Ballroom asked everyone.

"You may procceed..." Junta replied.

"Well, I was reading this book and I happened to discover something quite unusual..." Black Ballroom began.

" what is it?" Robin asked.

"Well, I noticed this book is copying what we're saying right now..." Black Ballroom said.

"What do you mean? You mean- we're like some dumb story some teenagers wanted to create?" Junta asked, wondering what the situation could mean.

"Well, I notice everytime I talk, it copies what I say in THIS dictionary. So - actually, this isn't a dictionary at all. And when I flip the pages, they are all blank, Junta." Black Ballroom continued.

Kelnino looked up at the sky and said, "You can't control our moves like this? Stupid teenagers..."

"And it also says, that we can not kill Taylor Hanson..." Black Ballroom spoke up louder.

"Are you kidding? Are you making this up?" James asked.

"Black Ballroom is a very worthy and honest being - I'm sure she is not lying. Right guys?" Junta said, staring at everyone.

"Well, I believe her, Junta...." dreamer said, hugging Black Ballroom.

"Me too..." Princess replied, smiling at Black Ballroom.

"You may continue, Black Ballroom. Why can't we kill him?" Junta insisted. "Well... he is not actual pop. It's a fact in this book." she said.

"That's crap...girls like them so why not?" Kelnino asked.

"Ohh- I think I understand. They write their own music so that means that they are more superior than the younger bands such as BSB, N' Sync." Junta said, unsure whether she was right.

"Exactly...Junta, I see you understand quite well. Would you like to explain more to show me you DO understand?" Black Ballroom asked, turning to Junta.

"Well, I think Hanson isn't considered Boy Band material because of silverchair." Junta said.

"What do you mean, Junta?" Silvermoon asked.

"Well, everyone likes a certain band member..." Junta said, replying to the question.

"I think I understand." Kelnino interrupted.

"Yes...?" Black Ballroom & Junta asked, impatiently.

"Junta and Black Ballroom are trying to say that if we consider Hanson pop-ish because of girls...we'll have to kill silverchair..." Kelnino said, staring at Ben.

"Well...ummm what do you mean, Kelnino?" Ben asked, scared of what was going to happen.

"Don't worry Ben...she meant since girls like you guys- it would be unfair to kill Hanson. And if they do get killed by any of us for that reason, we'll be punished by having to kill you guys..." Junta replied, trying to make the situation easier.

"Where's Daniel anyway?" Junta continued.

"Huh? *drool*" Chris replied.

"Oh s**t!" Kelnino screamed.

"Heh-heh..." Daniel laughed to himself.

"You ruined the black nail-polish I put on you!" Junta yelled. She ran over to Daniel and repainted his nails then suddenly...Isaac and Zac popped out from a scrubby-looking bush with stupid bananas hanging out of their mouths.

"Hey, Robin. Why don't you eat one of those bananas?" KelNino stated.

"I don't want to eat *those* bananas..." Robin said in disgust. Zac and Ike skipped over beside their brother, but strangely, although they had spit out the bananas, they had not wiped those stupid smiles off their faces.

"Do you think they're capable of frowning?" James remarked, who had magically appeared again when everybody had thought he had run off in the sunset. Zac lifted Taylor up off the ground. Taylor, amazingly, was still alive, but Shania had been thrown into a furnace that had just happened to be near KelNino's attack. (How lucky this is that KelNino had thrown her perfectly into the burning pit.) Smoke billowed from the furnace. Everybody covered their noses and mouths for it is dangerous to breathe in remains of pop-demons.

"Hey guys!" Zac chirped enthusiastically, "Hey, I know you tried to kill my brother and all, but we're gonna fight with you to protect music! Yeah!" Zac threw his fist happily into the air. Robin cringed, people mistook him for a girl all the time, but at least he didn't act like a flamer. Ada growled and flashed her eyes at him, preparing to rip their faces off. "Wait, Ada!" KelNino held her back. "I know they're homos, but I think they can be used." Robin stared at her in shock, waiting for an explanation. "Listen, if we can't kill them because of what we're fighting for, why don't we just put them on the front line? We could eliminate two problems at once," Kelnino said.

"I get it!" said James. "We can have the Hansons do battle with whatever's in front of us, hopefully killing off both sides! Great idea! But, I REALLY must be going now!" James exclaimed as a pair of wings sprouted from his back. James flew off into the sunset back to his home, and once again left our heroes at the door.

Well, now the VERY large group stumbled onward. "It is time!" said Ada, as she blew open the front doors with her lightning.

"Shouldn't I have some special powers too?" whined Daniel, but he was cut off short at the sight of the bright white light spilling from the open door, which framed a thin, long-haired figure.

Junta's eyes bugged out. "Oh s**t, not again!"

Christina Aguilera stepped closer to the group, with a very twisted smile on her face. It was clear from where she was looking that the smile was meant for Daniel, who was suddenly having trouble breathing.

dreamer, however, was unaffected by Christina's smelly cloud of cheap perfume, and let out an unearthly scream of terror. With that, an icy wind lifted Christina off the ground. She started screaming too, but dreamer's voice carried better than hers ever did. Unfortunately, dreamer could only hold a scream for so long. She began coughing, and Christina came crashing down.

There was a short silence before Daniel said, "Uhh, dreamer? Do you think you could teach *me* how to do that?"

Ben, of course, just *had* to say, "I want to learn how to make bananas appear!"

"Me too!" exclaimed Robin.

"Buy yourself some at the grocery store..." Junta replied.

Meanwhile, somewhere inside the hideously glowing building, Christina Aguilera began singing (or trying to sing) her new single over, and over, and over. This was about all Ada could stand. She was about to go in there and tackle the blonde whore, when all of a sudden, Daniel challenged her to a singing compition. So the two blondes began. Christina started with "Genie in a Bottle". This was no problem for Daniel, who soon did his version of the song, which was far better than hers anyway. After Daniel finished the end ("Com'on Com' on in and **** me"), Christina A. ran away screaming "I can't take this anymore, you guys won...I lost this time, I have to kill myself!!! What a shame!" She jumped off the cliff.

Robin walked to Daniel and smiled. "Good job, buddy! Now we have to kill another one in the Castle."

Daniel said, "I know...well, but how we are going to kill her? How are we gonna get in the Castle?"

Ben looked at a large shadow behind the bush. "Who is that behind the bush?"

Revealing her face, she walked toward Ben.

"The Hippo!" Ben said.

"Oh crap...Well, what are we going to do with the Hippo?" Junta asked softly.

But it wasn't the same hippo, though. Ada had killed Natalie the Hippo already, this Hippo was someone different. It was Ozzy Osbourne! He just wanted to help the chosen one kill the POP sensation.

"RAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Ozzy make a original evil noise. "Well...what'cha want me to do?"

On to Part 5!

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