Part 63
"The Chosen Rejects! Sign us please!" screamed a way-too-enthusiastic Robin as he stole the mic from Satan's poser-punk form. On to Part 64! (not written yet) Back to silverchair stuff
"Robin you doofus...we're here for DREAMER, not you and your dumb British wank friends. So sit your ass down, boy!" said Ash.
At this point, Carson had taken back his precious microphone and continued being an ass. "Um...anyways...joining us this afternoon is dreamer, here to promote her new single 'MTV is Full Of S**t and Carson Daly Wants My Ass'! Give her a round of applause!"
At that dreamer shyly walked up to the large TRL screen...followed by the entire Bathroom Pioneer legion. "Carson, it's not MY single. It's OUR single. We're a band called the Bathroom Pioneers, you see. I'm just the lead singer. You know, I sing lead? But to you...that makes me main spokesperson and center of attention. See...I would be nothing without my band here..."
Carson was very perplexed at this statement, as were the rest of the brain-washed adolescents at MTV studios. However, dreamer continued. "Yeah, anyway, MTV sucks ass. You guys need lives. Go find them. Leave the pop forces and join us to destroy all demons of popular culture! Ooh, this would make a good song...."
So dreamer, in order to write down her new song idea, passed the mic to the person standing next to her, who just so happened to be the infamous KelNino. "What's up New York! No answer uh? All too dumb to comprehend the words that come out of my mouth? Guess so. In that case..."
"Ha...let's not OVER-exploit them, Kelnino. I mean, come on. They come to watch Britney Spears on a different TV set. That's exploitative enough. It's also cruel and inhumane," said Melinda.
During all of this, Ada was in the back room waiting with Sky. She was going to secretly put one of her carnie road shows on national television. But before she could...Cher ran in!
"You little brats! You're ruining TRL and the pop world! You're messing up everything! I was planning on making a comeback...again...and look what you're doing! Trying to turn everyone against pop! Well, I'll just have to..."
However, when Cher hit the lights, her plastic body melted into the floor and TRL resumed...
"So, why don't *you* tell us about this band thing, Kelnino?" Carson asked, not knowing what to make of a group of intelligent teens, college kids, and the guys from silverchair, who he really wanted to interview again because they're so darned hilarious.
"Well, I'm in this other band, Yo Mama, down in Alpharetta," she grinned, "and even though we all kind of knew each other already, we all just happened to be in the venue bathroom at a gig..."
(not finished yet)