My Little Quiz

This quiz is a little...different. Some sites have trivia quizzes, which *are* fun, but with this quiz, your score isn't based on what you've memorized...

1. Ex-webmaster smash used to hate Chris and use silverchair stuff to insult him. What do you think about that?

a. That was actually pretty funny! I wish smash was still here, being rude to Crusty Chris!
b. I'll admit I laughed a couple of times, but I wouldn't put that on my *own* webpage, you know?
c. smash is full of s**t! How dare she say that about my future husband!

2. What was your opinion of the Freak video? (If you haven't seen it, go find the stills or download the video at chairpage.)

a. That video kicked ass! The song rocks, and you just can't beat seeing an old lady turn into a lizard, especially when silverchair is involved. Director Gerry Casale is a genius!
b. It's too cool! Videos these days look so much alike. We could actually use more vids like Freak.
c. It's one of my favorites! There's nothing quite like three sweaty guys stuck in a room...mmmmmm...

3. A girl I know was planning to attend a silverchair concert wearing a shirt that said, "Ben, you can be MY bedroom security!" (BTW, the show sold out, so she didn't get to go.) What do you think about this?

a. I'll have to get back to you - *after* I finish laughing my ass off!
b. I'm glad that wasn't one of *my* friends...
c. Hmmm, do you think your friend will mind that I'm planning to "borrow" her little design idea?

4. What did you think of Danny-boy winning the "Sex God" category in the SPIN readers' poll?

a. Getting arrested on the beach was one thing, but he's never going to hear the end of *this* one.
b. I keep getting this mental image of Daniel reading about it in the paper and just going back to bed - for the rest of the day.
c. Well, of course he won! And I couldn't be happier! In fact, I helped stuff the ballot box so the whole world would know that skinny is studly!*

5. If you met silverchair, what would you do?

a. Think, "Oh, cool!" and ask for an autograph, maybe take a picture or two.
b. Be friendly, possibly ask for an autograph, but otherwise pretty much leave them alone.
c. Cry, scream, declare my feelings, wet my pants, and faint - all at once.

6. What do you think of my taking the "silly" approach with my fanpage?

a. Are you kidding? I love it! I just added silverchair stuff to my bookmarks!
b. It's nice to see that *someone* loves silverchair without concentrating on the negative stuff.
c. Excuse me, but don't you think some of the stuff you say about the guys is just a little bit mean?

7. If you could say something to a member of silverchair, it would be:
a. You guys totally rock, man!
b. Neon Ballroom was a really good album.
c. Will you marry me?


Mostly A's: You are silverchair's #1 fan, but you've got a wicked sense of humor as well. Good for you!

Mostly B's: You like silverchair, and you're cool about it rather than obsessive. Plus, you're a bit introspective - been listening to Neon Ballroom much?

Mostly C's: I hate to be the one to tell you this, but...*sigh* Put on a 'chair tune and picture the three ugliest guys you can think of. If you don't cringe, you're a loyal 'chair fan. If not, try to like the *music* a little more, okay, kiddo?

*Note to skinny guys: Don't get offended, okay? It's not meant to be insulting. For the record, I and every single one of my female friends (in real life) tend to gravitate toward skinny guys.

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