MAD Magazine

By now I'm sure you know that a 1995 issue of Australian MAD poked fun at silverchair. I had never actually seen this issue myself (and figured I never would, since I don't live in Australia), but now, thanks to Michali, who has a copy of the issue and was nice enough to scan it for me, everyone who visits this page can see what was in that issue!

I can't figure out why I can never get all of the images to work - if anyone out there is really good at fixing this stuff, please email me.

Also, *all* the images can be downloaded (one at a time) here, so if not all the images work, you know where to go.

This is the cover (duh!):

In case you can't read the mock advisory sticker, it says "Explicit Stupidity Inside."

This is from the first few pages of the magazine:

I personally prefer scrolling down to scrolling sideways, so here's the rest of the picture:

This is from one of the features:

And here's a close-up of Danny-boy's "mug shot" thing:

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