About Me

Me, as depicted by various surveys and tests I've taken...

Name: dreamer

Location: My bedroom, in a California city

What's your computer wallpaper look like? It's the "Sick, Sad World" logo from MTV's "Daria." I used to have clouds, but the logo is so much cooler.

Last concert attended: The Living End (the set was cut short because of technical problems but was still quite good)

Last movie seen: Moulin Rouge (you know a movie's good when it makes you laugh your ass off *and* cry your eyes out - oooh, the costumes are great too!)

Last CD bought? "Roll On," The Living End, and "Haunted," Poe.

Cats or dogs? Cats, I have 2

Favorite color? Purple!

Favorite TV show? Daria, followed by Cow and Chicken, 120 Minutes (remind me to start a letter-writing campaign in hopes that MTV will bring it back), The Simpsons (yes, I know I watch too many cartoons, but hey, they make me smile!), and many more.

Last thing you dressed as for Halloween? Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas. I made the costume out of old fabric scraps I found around the house, made a wig out of yarn, and even painted stitches on my face, neck, arms, and legs with liquid eyeliner. In previous years, I've been a Nirvana cheerleader, complete with big fake tattoos and an anarchy symbol on my shirt, a big-haired diner waitress, and all sorts of other things. I don't think I'll ever be able to give up dressing up.

If you could have any hair color, what would it be? Well, I've toyed with the idea of chunky blonde streaks for the bad-girl look Nina Persson had in that Cardigans video, and I secretly want to try jet-black with chunky red streaks, but I don't know if I could pull it off. I'm planning to dye my hair red soon but I'm torn between auburn and dark red.

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi, but I'm trying to quit soda...anyone out there got a cure for caffeine cravings?

Ocean or pool? Ocean, unless the beach is dirty or crowded or too cold.

Good girl or bad girl? Bad, but I don't get wasted or put out, and I do have my own sense of ethics. What can I say, I'm unique.

Good boys or bad boys? Good boys, unfortunately, they seem to be afraid of me. Or maybe they just don't like badassed brunettes?

If you could be anything it would be: The Girl With The Most Cake. Well, maybe not *the* most...

What color are your nails right now? Glittery purple. In fact, they're always glittery purple.

Last song you listened to? "You Can't Move Into My House" by Frenzal Rhomb. That song is hilarious!

IQ according to thespark.com? 170.

No beef? Try upgrading your browser.

That's it for now...I'll add to this later!

Email me if you feel like it.

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