Some Questions I Dislike

I don't know about anyone else, but there are some questions I just don't like to hear. Here are some of the worst offenders:

"What's your problem?"

Much of the time, I want to say "You," "Your attitude," "Your stupidity," or something like that. I try to dodge answering this one because I don't want people to think I'm not nice. I'm actually very nice when I'm not being pushed around, ignored, stepped on, you get the idea. I have dark hair and I don't smile as often as other people do (or as often as I'd like to), so I guess other people think I look mean when I'm really just frustrated.

"Do you *ever* smile?"

Yes. Quite often. (Refer to above answer.) But I don't smile when other people ask snide questions like that instead of, say, telling me a good blonde joke and seeing if I laugh (I usually do). This question always hurts.

"What's your religion?"

I'm often sorely tempted to snidely say, "That's between me and what I believe in." I happen to think that what I choose to believe is for me to know and not someone else's business, especially if I don't know them very well. Besides, there's the issue of labels and all that stuff I already covered on this page.

There will be more...just not now, I get upset just thinking about this stuff.

Email me if you feel like it.

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