My Survey

If there's one thing I've noticed, it's that people don't like signing guestbooks very much, but they absofreakinglutely love taking surveys, so here's one. Responses just might be posted slambook-style in the near future; consider yourself warned.

What is your screen name?

What corner of the world are you from?

E-mail address?

Website URL?

What kind of wallpaper do you have on your computer?

How about screen savers?

Ever taken any of the tests at The Spark?

How did you do?

Favorite bands?

Favorite books?

Favorite movies?

Last song you listened to?

Where would you rather be right now?

Name the CD you're ashamed to admit you own. Don't worry, I promise not to tease you.

Favorite all-purpose retort?

Anything else you'd like to say?

Thank you!

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