Thanx is given to the many associates who contributed to the creation of this growing site. Much thanks and gratitude goes out:
To Shawn T. Anderson for introducing VEGA to my ears. Without you, the idea for this site would have never emerged. Also, for being my right hand man on this project, helping me out by giving me all the latest VEGA information and tight graphics needed to get the site going. I appreciate it!
To Dallas Austin for bringing such a magnificent group onto the music scene. Thank you for supplying myself and the rest of the music consumers with such a wide range of musical talents, I wish your Freeworld Entertainment Label the best.
To Chris Wilson for informing my brain about VEGA. I found out first about them on your wonderful site. Thank you for always delivering the latest in TLC information to myself and fellow fans. Thank you so much for supplying the exclusive audio for the site and extra tips.
To my Twin Brother Ice for helping me out with ideas and help whenever I had a question. Thanx for assisting me as I dealt with the technical factors of the site.
And last, but obviously never least, I would like to send thanks to Ahsohn Williams, Eugene Williams, Tennell Williams, and Jason Chenevert aka VEGA. Thank you so much for bringing a new, creative sound to the table. I appreciate what you guys are doing in this game, and I wish you nothing but the best.