Bad Blues Remix
I had to listen to this twice - I missed a lot of it on the first run...
Very nice chugging rhythm - cool little lead - only problem is the balance
Lead guitar is washed out by rhythm tracks... other than that, it's solid
7.25 / 10
Death Metal Blues
Pretty standard blues riffing with a heavy edge to it - again, crisp, clean
soloing - like Muddy Waters joins Iron Maiden :)
6.4 / 10
Twisted Metal
Guitars have an almost overcompressed feel to them here - heavy on the reverb
not a whole lot of originality going on in this one - definitely inferior to
the above pieces - not sure if the name was a reference to this or not, but
it reminded me of Twisted Sister - not a bad thing, mind you...
4.75 / 10
Indy Speed
What happened to the EQ?! this has no bass response whatsoever! Nice idea
song has some interesting passages to it, but the execution is almost unbearable
Please, guys, re-mix this one and bring it back to me, so I can give the song its
due, because right now I can't get by the mix...
4.1 / 10
Distorted Youth is an ambitious instrumental hard rock band with a great deal of
potential - provided that they grow beyond the 'adrenaline blues' riffing and
experiment in cross-genre pieces and more avant-garde composition - they definitely
have the talent to accomplish such a goal
You can find Distorted Youth here