Can't Let You Go
This is very reminiscient of the typical a/c 'come back girl' ballad - lyrics
are very trite - a great deal of cliche - nothing particularly interesting vocally
the guitar is decent - well produced, just entirely too familiar to be considered
an original work.
4.5 / 10
Everywhere I go
Another well produced a/c tune - again, same theme, unoriginal lyric, great deal
of forced rhyme and cliche patterns - good guitar solo, but we're trapped in the
same problem with the lyric...
4.5 / 10
All I Need is You
A blues number - reminiscient of It's in the way you use it by Eric Clapton
Nice slide guitar, nothing particularly unique, however, standard progressions, typical
swinging blues number, more of the love themes - very typical
4.8 / 10
Larry Neil is an above average guitarist with a very good voice, but a great deal
of difficulty composing unique material - the influences are all there - Bryan Adams,
Neil Diamond, Richard Marx - but Larry has difficulty exploring the territory outside
of these influences, and ends up with garden variety Easy Listening material.
But hey - don't take my word for it