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B200 Lower Manual Alterations

When I bought the B200 it came with a bass amplifier/speaker cabinet and a Leslie 760. I couldn't see the point of having Hammond sound come out of anything other than a Leslie so, the very next day, I sold the bass cabinet.

The Hammond's lower manual had been extended with switches and buttons added around the Leslie controls to the left of it. On closer inspection it appears that the lower manual has been replaced in its entirety, electronic gadgetry attached and two line out sockets added to the out put box at the back. My Hammond has been the subject of a very neat piano upgrade. Don't ask me what it sounds like - I sold the bass cabinet!

Left: With the top open. You can see white flex going from the out put box and conecting to two additional line out sockets.
Right: With the two manuals lifted you can see there is a distinct difference between them. The lower manual has been replaced. In the top picture five wooden spacing blocks are used to mount and position it. You can also see the added circuitry in a polthene cover under the Leslie switches below.

If anyone knows anything about this sort of after-market alteration I'd love to hear from you. Hammond UK assure me it's nothing to do with them.