Latest News
This site is still being made, fixed and made some more. Most is up, the next thing we're gonna add will be the "Graphics" section. We are going to have matching sets for you to take. Each set will include things like...
- a background
- an email button
- a home button
- guestbook buttons
- next/back buttons
- welcome signs
- and more customizable stuff
We just added "The Adventures Of Zach and Zac", it's under the "Zac And Zac" in the navigator panel.
We just added one set to the graphics section, so make sure you check those out!!
Oh, You Wanted Hanson News?
Hanson's newest album, This Time Around, will be released May 9, 2000 (my dad's birthday) in the U.S. Sorry I don't know about other countries.
Want To See Hanson?
May 8th 2000
- The David Letterman Show
May 9th 2000
- The Rosie O'Donnell Show
- And make sure to download Hanson's new single of their album, it's called This Time Around, you can do this at MTV.com, once you do this you gain access to watch a internet broadcast where they will announce the winner of the Hanson Webpage Contest